CFS3 trought Windows



Hello, I ve just installed CF3 on my computer. Yes I know, it is very late...I would like to execute it trought in a window in XP, like it was possible for CFS and CFS2 in the time. For CFS3, when I start it, it appaears automatically in full screen, and it is not possible to use an other application (Word, paint for screen capture). There is no access on microsoft support for that.
Thanks at all
I've never heard that you can, but on the other hand a better way to take screen captures is to use a free small programme like FRAPS. This allows you capture as many screenies as you like by using one hot key. They are saved in the FRAPS folder and you can then edit at your leisure.
Well, in fact you can run it in window mode.

Right-click the CFS3 icon and select "Properties". At the end of the Target line, type "-window".

Example: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CombatFlightSimulator 3\cfs3.exe” -window (go to the end of the string and add -window outside the quotation marks)

In my opinion the window will become very small compared with the full screen mode, but you will be able to run it in window mode.

Try it !