


need Hel at CFS3

Hello Mitsimmer and friends of the battle simulation,

I have an problem,

I have times a question about the military counterpart of our beloved flight simulator. And although the third generation.
I wanted just one campaign launch, pilot, I have created, he says to me: callsign DB is not initalized. "That means I can not start Campaign mode. Do you know this, what is at stake?
About tips, I would be very grateful.

Flyer, If I may, English is not your native language, is it? Please post this in your native language so we may use a Google translation to see what you are trying to say. Your question is not very clear.
Dear Fad, first off all thank you very much for your help.
You are right, i am german. The translation above, is the product of google translation. It looks funny, i know.
But at least i would report that i fixed my problem with an new installtion.
Once more i said thank you.
Hallo Flyer,

tut mir leid, daß ich das hier so spät sehe.
Aber hast ja glücklicherweise dein Problem selbst gelöst.
Falls das nochmal auftreten sollte, am besten erstmal die Kampagne löschen und eine neue erstellen.
Wenn das auch nichts bringt, die Datei uisel.xml löschen
Unter XP findest du die in

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Benutzername\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0

In Vista in folgendem Pfad:

C:\Users\Benutzername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0
Hallo Mathias,

ganz lieben dank für deinen Tipp. Falls mal wieder was ist in die Richtung werde ich ihn in Erinnerung habe.
Aber entschuldigen musst du dich nun wirklich nicht. :applause:
:ernae: Danke nochmal
Hi don't know if this is the right area but hoping someone can help just downloaded AvHistory_WepPak_041708 and the Lancaster, can get the pane to fly and use machine guns but if I try to put ordinance on the aircraft I get kicked out of the game.I am new to this and would appreciate any help.Thanks Brian.
Hi don't know if this is the right area but hoping someone can help just downloaded AvHistory_WepPak_041708 and the Lancaster, can get the pane to fly and use machine guns but if I try to put ordinance on the aircraft I get kicked out of the game.I am new to this and would appreciate any help.Thanks Brian.
Hi Brian,
When that happens it means that the aircraft needs some additional files before it can be used in the game. You need sound, so make sure the sound.cfg in your aircraft/lancaster/sound folder points to the right location for the sound files. You can read the cfg file using notepad. It will say something like "[fltsim]
alias=DR_Engine_Sounds\ETO_Engine_Merlin_ XX_V_12 4x\Sound".

In this case, the sound files for the lancaster should be placed in the Aircraft\DR_Engine_Sounds|ETO_ etc etc file path

In the lancaster's xml file, you will find mention of all the guns, weapons and pylons needed too. You also need the texture files (these are .dds suffix)for each of the pylons and bombs in the game somewhere, preferably in the aircraft/shared folder.

if that sounds complicated, don't worry! Its just in the interests of full explanation. usually you will get all the files you need with the aircraft, or with addons like the WeaponsPack mentioned in the Readme. So all you need to do is make sure the files get put in the right folder. I tell you, cfs3 is very much like being a librarian a lot of the time :icon_lol:

In the case of the lanc, check that you don't have some weapons or pylons files still located in the aircraft/lancaster folder. If you find any there, cut them and paste into the generic pylons and weapons folders for your install.
