CFS3_ETO Install a success (?)


Charter Member
Greetings to everyone:

Well, thanks to the great install intructions (written) and one-on-one Q & A here on the forum, it looks like I got ETO installled right the first attempt. Now, I must qualify that statement and say I only have 3.1 installed so far....Which brings me to my next ?---After installing each update, is it mandatory/recomended to "fly" the sim B4 continuing on with the next sequencial install? I was not sure if it had to register itself in the registry (sounds redundant:isadizzy:) or not. So I am in a holding pattern untill I hear back that it is OK to proceed with the install w/o a short mission in ETO 3.1.


Hi Panzer,

I have always flown the game between each install update when re-installing.

I recomend a complete back up of your game betwen each install component addition. That way should something go wrong you delete the game folder out of your microsoft games folder then just drop your backed game folder back into the microsoft games folder, and your ready to try the update again without having to go back to the satrt.

I have a backed up install folder of my ETO with all its extra bits and pieces included. So that should I have to re-install on my machine or if I want to put ETO on a freinds machine I just do the main installer then drop my backed up game folder in. presto instantly updated to latest specs.


regards Rob.