CFS3's Engine controls....


Charter Member
Now that I have CFS3 and ETO installed and flying smoothly (the system, not me), I am curious about all of the available engine controls, and which ones are commonly used by you folks here. I admittedly am not an aviator by training, only a "shade tree" mechanic at best who has built a few muscle cars back in the '70's...My favorite still being my 1970 Challenger 383 Magnum. Any how, with regard to CFS3's controls, is it common/practical to config such engine functions as:

cowl flaps, prop pitch, prop RPM ? Since I have some experience with OFF, I am used to manually adjusting the fuel mixture to compensate for altitude. Having a CH Throttle Quadrant, FighterStick, Pro Throttle, and Flight Peddles, I have no shortage of programmable switches and levers (maybe too many).

I am just tying to get a feel for what others here find useful and/or cumbersome. I appreciate any and all input.

Best Regards,
I'm using the throttle for the Saitek X52, a logitech 3D stick, saitek TPM and rudder pedals and I'm using nearly all my buttons and levers. If you've got the levers or sliders for engine controls, I say use 'em, makes it feel more real to me. Plus one day I hope to create a complex engine management system for CFS3 in which case all those engine controls will become very important.
Engine controls

Just remember that many German planes did not have mixture controls and that the prop was controlled either manually or automatic.
Using Auto-mixture?

So, if I am flying a German aircraft (or any other for the sake of simplicity), is it advisable or maybe less complicated would be a better term, to activate the "Auto-Mixture" option for the WWII War Birds (as opposed to the WWI OFF planes) ?

Also, is there any comprehensive text file (either published or on line), that would have these type of parameters available? Wondering where the talented creators of the 1% AVH got their flight control data...Is it readily available?

Best regards,

Binary System....?

Hey Guys,
I opened an aircraft .xpd file in MS Word .doc format (was completely readable), but it has been many (many, many) years since I have taken any classes on Logic or the Binary Numbering System....So if someone could please refress my memory....When x=1, or x=0, which indicates "positive" and which "negative"; or yes and no. I know it is a simple switch, but I can not remember which way is which :isadizzy:.

Thanks for the help,

Also, is there any comprehensive text file (either published or on line), that would have these type of parameters available? Wondering where the talented creators of the 1% AVH got their flight control data...Is it readily available?

Best regards,


Hi, I just noticed here under the Downloads section "CFS3 Other" (the root folder I think) there are a couple of zip files with a list of all the commands including all the engine commands.

Other sites used to hold similar files but this one is pretty comprehensive so should do the trick.
