Charter Member
Now that I have CFS3 and ETO installed and flying smoothly (the system, not me), I am curious about all of the available engine controls, and which ones are commonly used by you folks here. I admittedly am not an aviator by training, only a "shade tree" mechanic at best who has built a few muscle cars back in the '70's...My favorite still being my 1970 Challenger 383 Magnum. Any how, with regard to CFS3's controls, is it common/practical to config such engine functions as:
cowl flaps, prop pitch, prop RPM ? Since I have some experience with OFF, I am used to manually adjusting the fuel mixture to compensate for altitude. Having a CH Throttle Quadrant, FighterStick, Pro Throttle, and Flight Peddles, I have no shortage of programmable switches and levers (maybe too many).
I am just tying to get a feel for what others here find useful and/or cumbersome. I appreciate any and all input.
Best Regards,
cowl flaps, prop pitch, prop RPM ? Since I have some experience with OFF, I am used to manually adjusting the fuel mixture to compensate for altitude. Having a CH Throttle Quadrant, FighterStick, Pro Throttle, and Flight Peddles, I have no shortage of programmable switches and levers (maybe too many).
I am just tying to get a feel for what others here find useful and/or cumbersome. I appreciate any and all input.
Best Regards,