CH Flightstick



Hi Folks,

I have been away from flight sims for a while. I am waiting on the OFF 2 DVD (nice by the way that folks offer that here )

Anyway, I have a PIIII 3.4 ghz, 2GB Ram, 7600 GS system. My flightstick is old - the original CH Flightstick.

I may invest in a new one. In the meantime, I think I am limited to 4 or 5 snap views in CFS3. Does anyone know if that is correct ? and if I will have any other options once I install OFF2?

Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - jg1234
You must either get TrackIR or make your own - Freetrack. There is no other option, you havn't a choice.
Huh? Don't listen to that bullhockey! I have a Saitek Evo joystick and it works just fine with OFF. It gives me at least 7 snap views, plus free view mode, if desired.

I'm sure TrackIR is great and I don't know what I'm missing, but it is hardly necessary for running (and enjoying) OFF.

Hi, I feel I must write to agree with Fortiesboy, the TrackIR is,next to a joystick, a vital accessory. A POV, or hatswitch as they are sometimes called will never take it's place, it makes air to air combat so instinctive. I would feel at a definate disadvantage flying against ANYONE who was using a TrackIR and I didn't, well anyone except my brother,Oops sorry Pete.
Good lord.. I didnt think that there was anyone left on the planet without a TrackIR...:kilroy:
Thanks folks for the replies.

Once I get my CFS3 installed and everything set up I'll see about making some changes / upgrades.

Cheers and Happy Holidays -

Good lord.. I didnt think that there was anyone left on the planet without a TrackIR...:kilroy:

Oh . . there are a few out there, mostly tightwads, or those who have never seen exactly what it is.

Can't do anything for the tightwads, but I can offer some information:

Attention tightwads, it costs $130. If it makes you feel any better, I paid $180 awhile back:ernae:
Hi , It seems pretty close to unanimous to me, believe me ,it will make a big difference. If the bank balance won't stretch ,you could always sell the chidren into slavery,or maybe put the wife out on the street, Happy Christmas.
May all be right about the TrackIR, and I may get me one too (in Pol's "Preview movie 10" you get a good impression of that kind of view), but you should be able to get a helluvalot of fun out of P2, even without TrackIR.
I'm mostly flying with fixed views, as glide view appears too slow for me. So, I have 7 angles to look out with: 1 looking up (needed in steep curves), 2 front left, 3 front right, 4 left, 5 right, 6 back left, 7 back right (8 is looking down into the cockpit, as "full 6 o'clock" isn't possible). I'm doing fine with that and even kill Camels with no problem.
But, off course, when I have the money together, I'll get me a TrackIR - so many enthusiasts can't be wrong. And when even Gimpy says, it's good...
Cheers; Olham
Oh . . there are a few out there, mostly tightwads, or those who have never seen exactly what it is.
Since I have seen TrackIR and even went to their webpage, I guess I must be a tightwad. :costumes:

Actually, funds are a little tight right now. Maybe as a Xmas present? I'm also somewhat prone to motion sickness, :isadizzy: so that has made me think twice about investing the cash. So, I guess I really am a tightwad!

Yeah Im in Taffy's boat too, minus the chowder. I want TrackIR and Im no tightwad......just broke.:costumes:

Since I have seen TrackIR and even went to their webpage, I guess I must be a tightwad. :costumes:

Actually, funds are a little tight right now. Maybe as a Xmas present? I'm also somewhat prone to motion sickness, :isadizzy: so that has made me think twice about investing the cash. So, I guess I really am a tightwad!


Well I'd suggest when you can finacially see your way clear, purchase it, I ain't gonna twist your arm, just keep a pail handy. You won't get ill for 3 minutes, and within that 3 minutes you might start wondering where you can buy Dramamine wholesale, or you might have a technicacolor yawn and be done with it. If that's the case announce it here, prior to Ebay. Because you'll probably get a better price, from our friend with the repaired snowblower. :kilroy:
Hmmmm......TrackIR or fix snowblower.....

You could always use the built up snow and ice as an excuse to stay away from work while you fly, say OFF3, soon? It'll also double to keep pesky relatives and friends away while you say, fly some more. And who needs groceries anyways???

TIR4 IS WORTH IT. Despite sometimes flakie drivers that can be a real PITA, I couldn't go back. I drank the cool aide after a month or two of flying (dare I say it hear?) First Eagles without it. I did feel initially motion sick, but got my "wings" (sea legs just don't make sense here) within a day or two of intense A2A...
Besides, I hear the Archie in P3 will scare the sickness out of you anyway.
Actually, you don't want the snow blower. You need to get up out of the chair now and then from the game, shovel a bit of snow, play a bit, shovel a bit of snow...

And for those on a budget do try FreeTrack - just a few bucks and some time to make something with your own hands.
I have to agree with the fellas here ... You NEED a head tracker! There is NO other option!

TrackIR is great because it's plug and play, supersimple to install and use.

FreeTrack is great because it's FREE! It takes a little more work to set up, but works just as well. I helped a friend set his up, and he didn't even need to buy a camera. The built in webcam on his laptop works fine.

Now that I've been using TrackIR, flying without it is like flying with a keyboard instead of a joystick.