CH Pro Pedals, Left brake is always on

Curtis P40

Charter Member
:wavey:Howdy !
This just started during taxi. I went to Settings, deleted right/left brake assignments. Add assignments, step on left brake, nothing, right brake OK. Next I took the left pedal apart, not the base, the wires seem to be OK, the brakes work with a poteniometer. I replaced this poteniometer with one from CH's web site, a cheap start, since I do seem to use the left brake more than the right. No luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The F11/F12 keys work but trying to taxi the P51...takes three hands.
How does this check out in the calibration? It is possible that one brake is reversed (check the boxes). Is it all planes?

Cheers: t.
My pro pedals did that to me a couple of years ago. Turned out to be a broken wire located in the base. The wire had shifted a bit and the slider part of the pedals crimped thru the tiny wire.

Use your warranty. CH is pretty quick on fix and turnaround time. Out of warranty?........

It's not real difficult to get into the base and repair the wire, but it is a pain in the rear. Go slow and methodical.
Be careful, invert and support the base and pedals (pedals need to be hanging free), take lots of pics as you go, prevent all the goodies from falling out. Good luck!
(note: it is usually the brown wire to the left toe pot that goes belly up)
Thanks Dogknot
I had all the screws out of the base and pulled it apart alittle, I was hoping that the bottom would come right off,,,but that wasn't the case, since the springs are attached to it. So the screws went back in. Now there coming back out.
Thanks also Fliger
I've been both ways on calibration, reversed on, it just doesn't "see" the left brake at all when to trying to add assignments
I've had this happen also and it was a broken wire for me also. Word of warning: these pedals are not that easy to take a apet and get back together agai (at least for me) :help:

LouP :amen:
:gameon:Thanks Guys !! I searched the Web first, my mistake, should of posted here first. It won't happen again. Member in good standing of the broken wire club.
Thanks Curt