CH Pro Pedals Question


Charter Member
Is it possible in the flight sim to have the aircraft track the center line without touching the rudder pedals? With the default 172 the aircraft always want's to track to the left of the centerline.
Hi ,your experiencing on the Sim what occurs in real plane...thats good!..hope this helps...

Propeller torque effect

Torque effect is the influence of engine torque on aircraft movement and control. It is generally exhibited as a left turning tendency in piston single engine propeller driven aircraft.
According to Newton's law, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," such that the propeller, if turning clockwise (when viewed from the cockpit), imparts a tendency for the aircraft to rotate counterclockwise. Since most single engine aircraft have propellers rotating clockwise, they rotate to the left, pushing the left wing down.
Typically, the pilot is expected to counter this force through the control inputs. To counter the aircraft roll left, the pilot applies right aileron.
It is important to understand that torque is a movement about the roll axis. Aileron controls roll. Prop torque is not countered by moving the rudder or by setting rudder trim. It is countered by moving or trimming the aileron.
This correction induces adverse yaw, which is corrected by moving or trimming the rudder (right rudder).
On aircraft with contrarotating propellers (propellers that rotate in opposite directions) the torque from the two propellers cancel each other out, so that no compensation is needed.

Rudders are for Dancing!....Have fun...recommended...Read "Stick and Rudder",by Wolfgang Langewiesche an explanition of the art of Flying!! :wavey:

The question refers to the aircraft drawing to the left on take off because of assymetrical thrust and pi factor of the prop. Therefore, to maintin the center line of the runway, right rudder is necessary. The sim models this dynamic and of course if you have rudder pedals, you'll have to use them to keep your take off centered.

Yep, what you are experiencing is a simulation of real world flight dynamics. You must apply varying amounts of right rudder (or left rudder in a stiff crosswind from the right side) in order to keep your Cessna on the runway.