CH Products Flight Control Setup in OFF P3



At one point many months ago I had everything set up... TrackIR and CH Products flight controls... Fighterstick, Pro-Throttle and and Pro-Rudders.
Everything was working... Back then I was using a different computer... XP Pro. Now I'm on a Vista Rig (64). I've got the TrackIR working... thanks to some help in this Forum... "Run as Administrator" to start TrackIR. Works like a charm. However now I'm having trouble setting up my flight controls. I actually had them working but then I upgraded to Control Manager 4.5 from 4.3 and now I'm lost. I'm considering going back to 4.3 but before I do that I'd like to make sure I'm not missing something simple (besides when I upgraded to 4.5 I used another game, IL2, and now my control file has be upgraded to 4.5 and I'm concerned that I can't go back... another story). I tried setting the controls up in CFS3 (the Axis controls anyway, but that didn't work well... My problem may be in that area since it's been quite a while sence I've done that). Help...
Bonz... :isadizzy:
No idea on that one hopefully someone with those pedals can help.

See the FAQ has some comments about editing controls for pedals..
Rather than try everything and ripping your hair out

Look-up you equipement on the Internet and see if Vista 64 is supported

IF Not you're at a crossroads, is XP still available ?
New Information

Thanks, I have talked with Bob in the past and that's a good Idea... In the mean time, just in case someone shows up with a similar problem. I discovered that when I used CFS3 to set my controllers then closed the program and started Control Manager to load the OFF profile... then closed out of that and started OFF Phase 3... When I then started quick combat it would not let me start it... saying that another version of CFS3 was already running... So like a trooper I closed OFF and did the Control Alt Delete thing to bring up the task manager... under the "Processes" Tab I found the CFS3 executable that was running... Stopped it and restarted OFF. It let me in quick combat but I discovered that my profile for OFF was no longer running. The interesting thing was that the axis worked including my rudder. So I then exited OFF restarted the profile and reentered OFF and Quick Combat. The profile was back accept the rudder axis wasn't working ... as before. Sorry if that's confusing. I'm hope someone will figure this out... Thanks. :jump:
Try this: After you have launched OFF manager, click on campaign and set up a mission. When the mission loads and you are on the ground, go to the hangar and click on the controller set up option. Make sure that your configuration says "mine," and adjust your settings to your preference.

So far, my advice hasn't seemed to solve other problems, but there is always a first time! :banghead:
Try pm'ing Makai - I think his setup is similar to yours.
I've spent the evening going back to 4.3 on Control Manager and doing what you suggested (Controller setup from the Hangar in OFF P3. No good... sorry. :faint:

I think I remember something about CH Products not working well with CFS3... Maybe this is a blind ally. :bump:
But such is life... I will continue to push forward.
Hello Bonz
I have been using CH Products for years and have had no problem with OFF or CFS3. I never programmed them with the CH Manager, they have always just worked with OFF and CFS3. If they seem a little out of sorts which is rare I just do a recalibrate in the CH manager and they work fine again. I am running Win XP Pro and don't know what kind of issues I might have with Vista. I am using the Pro Peddals, Fighterstick, and throttle control which are all supposed to work on Vista. I have been quite happy with them. Very rugged with lots of programming options. I am still using CH control manager version 4.2(32bit). Sorry this probably isn't much help. I hope you get it sorted out. Once I started using rudder pedals there was no going back. It would be a bummer to not have them with OFF.
Problem Solved

I had an epiphany. Many moons ago I programmed my CH Controllers using Control Manager on XP pro for Phase II. I downloaded that old file and examined it and remembered that CFS3 can not handle more than one controller at a time. I've been so used to programming for IL2 which can use more than one controller that I forgot this old lesson. Actually, It's not that it can't use all three controllers it's Control Manager must first combine the controllers (Fighterstick, Throttle, and Pedals) for CFS3 and OFF to use them. Once I did this ... all is pliss and I've been building a new profile for Phase 3 all evening. What a great game. I've been doing the quick combat thing flying each aircraft in order. Tremendous... I'm also reading "Winged Victory". Despite the British and their difficultly with the English language, it's a great read. Thanks to all for the help provided here and with my earlier question about TrackIR... Problems Solved.
Bonz... :applause: :jump: