At one point many months ago I had everything set up... TrackIR and CH Products flight controls... Fighterstick, Pro-Throttle and and Pro-Rudders.
Everything was working... Back then I was using a different computer... XP Pro. Now I'm on a Vista Rig (64). I've got the TrackIR working... thanks to some help in this Forum... "Run as Administrator" to start TrackIR. Works like a charm. However now I'm having trouble setting up my flight controls. I actually had them working but then I upgraded to Control Manager 4.5 from 4.3 and now I'm lost. I'm considering going back to 4.3 but before I do that I'd like to make sure I'm not missing something simple (besides when I upgraded to 4.5 I used another game, IL2, and now my control file has be upgraded to 4.5 and I'm concerned that I can't go back... another story). I tried setting the controls up in CFS3 (the Axis controls anyway, but that didn't work well... My problem may be in that area since it's been quite a while sence I've done that). Help...
Bonz... :isadizzy:
Everything was working... Back then I was using a different computer... XP Pro. Now I'm on a Vista Rig (64). I've got the TrackIR working... thanks to some help in this Forum... "Run as Administrator" to start TrackIR. Works like a charm. However now I'm having trouble setting up my flight controls. I actually had them working but then I upgraded to Control Manager 4.5 from 4.3 and now I'm lost. I'm considering going back to 4.3 but before I do that I'd like to make sure I'm not missing something simple (besides when I upgraded to 4.5 I used another game, IL2, and now my control file has be upgraded to 4.5 and I'm concerned that I can't go back... another story). I tried setting the controls up in CFS3 (the Axis controls anyway, but that didn't work well... My problem may be in that area since it's been quite a while sence I've done that). Help...
Bonz... :isadizzy: