CH yoke setup for X-Plane


SOH Staff .."Bartender"
A little while ago I read an article on setting up your CH yoke for use in XP11. I even downloaded the file with the setup. However after printing it out I seem to have lost both the printout and the downloaded file. Is there any chance of being pointed in the right direction of finding the file again please.
Sorry, I will not be of much use. I have not ran into such file.

I use the CH Yoke, as well as the rudder pedals and throttle quadrant from CH Products. I have them set up myself, for use with different airplanes.

It is really not that hard.
does it not show up in the setup page?,if so it really is pretty easy to set up,or should be,much easier than FSX or P3D for me.and im pretty stupid anymore. :playful: