Champ coler schemes


I had installed the Long Island Classics Champs ,which had different color schemes ,yellow maroon and white ,red,white and blue. Then I installed the Long Island Classis L-16 and now all the Champs are the maroon and white color. I tried deleting them and putting back the folders from my hard disk backup but still the same colors. I tried deleting the L-16 and reinstalling the Champs again but still the same colors.
When I install even though the Champs are deleted it says another exe. is there and do I want to replace it, I tried both yes and no ,no matter what I only get the maroon and white schemes even though if you open the folders the other schemes are there.
What happened ,and can I get the other color schemes to show up?

I never like to directly install to FS2004, many times the Uninstall in a package will mess with the Uninstall of FS2004. So I make folders in a Temp file in My Documents with the name of the plane I am installing, i.e. Aeronca Champ or L-16. Then when I use the self-install, I hit the Browse boton to search for the My Documents > Temp > Plane Name folder, and install into there. from there, I manually install all Aircraft, Effects, Gauges, etc, into FS2004 in their proper locations.

I have so many repaints of the LIC Champ, I lost count. If you have a favorite you'd like done, send me a PM and attach any info plus photo reference or link to such.

I fixed it

I managed to fix the problem but I don't know why it worked.
I went to the Aircraft folder in Documents and settings /Application Data/Microsoft/FS9/ and deleted the Champ files there and even though I got the same question box asking if I wanted to overwrite I hit yes to all ,then installed the Champs and the color schemes are back.
I don't have a clue as to why that worked.
Good idea to run the installer to my documents and install manually ,I've done this in the past but am too braindead after (seems like years) of putting stuff back I didn't think of it. Thanks once again!