Changing aircraft loses paint ETO V1.50


Video detail set to max (5) on all categories. When I start cfs3 ETO, all is fine. Good detail and flight is good, no stutter or anything.
When I change to most planes, they come in as mostly blue or maybe with some white panels with writing on them. I've even had some shiny panels with reflections in them.
If I change the aircraft detail to 1, the paint comes back. I can then go back to aircraft detail 5 and everything works fine. I can also switch to detail 1, but not detail 2,3, or 4, before changing planes and they come in painted.
Is this normal or can I do something to fix it? My vanilla CFS3 does not do this.
Hi mcbob, do you want to post a copy of the text in your configoverrides file, the one from your applicaiton data pathway?
I think this is what you want.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<FileVersion val="60"/>

<Adapter val="0"/>

<Device val="0"/>

<Mode val="29"/>

<MultisampleType val="D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE"/>

<VendorId val="4318"/>

<DeviceId val="4546"/>

<VersionNumberLowPart val="857818"/>

<VersionNumberHighPart val="655378"/>


<aircraftmodels MaxDim="1024" Scale="0"/>

<compositeterrain MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<compositeterrainsource MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<effects MaxDim="256" Scale="0"/>

<hud MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<nonaircraftmodels MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<precompiledterrain MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<shadows MaxDim="512" Scale="0"/>

<ui MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>

<uncategorized MaxDim="0" Scale="0"/>



<DisableWarningBoxes val="n"/>

<DisableSound val="n"/>

<DisableIntroMovie val="n"/>

<DisableMovieUI val="n"/>

<DisableUIAnimations val="n"/>

<SafeMode val="n"/>

<NoDXT1 val="n"/>

<NoDXT3 val="n"/>

<NoDXT5 val="n"/>

<DisableIndexBuffers val="n"/>

<DisableVertexBuffers val="n"/>

<Disable1600x1200 val="n"/>

<Disable1280x1024 val="n"/>

<Disable1024x768 val="n"/>

<DualPassRender val="y"/>

<HighResolutionZBuffer val="n"/>

<TerrainDetailTexture val="y"/>

<DisableWindowed val="n"/>

<DisableValidateDevice val="y"/>

<DisableWriteOnlyVB val="n"/>

<DisableWriteOnlyIB val="n"/>

<DisableTriangleStrips val="n"/>

<UnsupportedHardware val="n"/>

<UnsupportedDriver val="n"/>

<DisableCompositeTerrainTextureMips val="n"/>

<DisableCompositeTerrainTextures val="n"/>

<DisableCompositeGroundPlaneTextures val="n"/>

<DisableCompositeAircraftTextures val="n"/>

<DisableScenery val="n"/>

<DisableEnvironmentMapping val="n"/>

<DisableShadows val="n"/>

<DisableWhiteOut val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainLighting val="n"/>

<DisableSceneryLighting val="n"/>

<DisableSun val="n"/>

<DisableStars val="n"/>

<DisableRenderText val="n"/>

<DisableLabels val="n"/>

<DisableTacticalDisplay val="n"/>

<DisableTargetCone val="n"/>

<DisableHUD val="n"/>

<DisableChat val="n"/>

<DisableAdvisor val="n"/>

<DisableSimWarnings val="n"/>

<DisableTimeCompress val="n"/>

<DisableWeather val="n"/>

<DisableClouds val="n"/>

<DisableBlendToOffscreen val="n"/>

<DisableClear val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainRender val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainUpdate val="n"/>

<DisableSceneDBRender val="n"/>

<DisableWaterRender val="n"/>

<DisableWaterShorelineRender val="n"/>

<DisableWaterReflectionRender val="n"/>

<DisableWaterAnimationRender val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainTextureRingBlend val="n"/>

<DisableFog val="n"/>

<DisableRain val="n"/>

<DisableTexturedAlphaMaterial val="n"/>

<DisableShellCasings val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainDiffuseLighting val="n"/>

<DisableTerrainDecalRender val="n"/>

<DisableVCFog val="n"/>

<DisableInCloudEffect val="n"/>

<DisablePropDiscs val="n"/>

<CompositeAircraftTextureBudget val="8192"/>

<CompositeAircraftTextureMaxDim val="1024"/>

<CompositeAircraftTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

<CompositeAircraftTextureUsage val="0"/>

<CompositeTerrainTextureBudget val="Five"/>

<VertexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

<IndexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

<PreCompiledTerrainTextureBudget val="four"/>

<UserShadowTextureBudget val="1"/>

<AIShadowTextureBudget val="10"/>

<ObjectShadowTextureBudget val="250"/>

<UserShadowSize val="512"/>

<AIShadowSize val="256"/>

<ObjectShadowSize val="256"/>

<MaxParticles val="5000"/>

<ZBiasBitsResolution val="15"/>

<ZBiasTerrainDecal val="0"/>

<ZBiasWaterPolyNear val="1"/>

<ZBiasWaterPolyFar val="0"/>

<ZBiasWaterLineNear val="1"/>

<ZBiasWaterLineFar val="0"/>

<ZBiasFlatEffects val="25"/>

<ZBiasShadow val="0"/>

<ZBiasTerrainAlphaNear val="0"/>

<ZBiasTerrainAlphaFar val="0"/>

<ZBiasObject val="0"/>

<ZBiasObjectFar val="0"/>

<ZBiasEffects val="1"/>

<ZBiasClouds val="1"/>

<TerrainVertexBufferCapacity val="16384"/>

<TerrainIndexBufferCapacity val="32768"/>

<VertexCacheSize val="15"/>

<BackClipDist val="128748"/>

<InteriorWaterLoadingFactor val="0.800000011920929"/>

<WaterDetailTextureSize val="5"/>

<WaterElevationBias val="4"/>

<WaterElevationBiasFactor val="0.5"/>

<NearPassBackClipDist val="13200"/>

<FarPassNearClipDist val="13000"/>

<FogStartDist val="128748"/>

<CloudScale val="10"/>

<TerrainBestImageQuality val="0"/>

<MaxLandClassVariations val="0"/>

<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameNear val="256"/>

<TerrainMaxBlenderInstPerFrameFar val="128"/>

<SceneryTriangleBudget val="five"/>

<TerrainTriangleBudget val="five"/>

<MaxModelLOD val="100"/>

<FullscreenSwapEffect val="D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD"/>

<CompositeTerrainTexturePool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

<CompositeTerrainTextureUsage val="0"/>

<TextMaxTextures val="0"/>

<OverallGraphicDetail val="5"/>

<AircraftDetail val="5"/>

<SceneryDetail val="5"/>

<TerrainDetail val="5"/>

<EffectsQuality val="5"/>

<CloudsQuality val="5"/>


That didn't cure it. Some of the bombers still come in alright, but most of the planes do not.
What does the text on the skin say? It may give us a hint as to what's being displayed instead of what should be displayed.
The text is from the aircraft selection list that's open on that screen.
Sending a screenshot. Hope it comes out ok as I have never sent one to a forum before.


  • Plane1.jpg
    59.9 KB · Views: 15
The text is from the aircraft selection list that's open on that screen.
Sending a screenshot. Hope it comes out ok as I have never sent one to a forum before.

That picture is perfect, and wow, that's a new problem that I've never seen before.

Video Card?
Shader Mods?
Win 10?

I realize that you're not having a problem with the base install of CFS3, so those should not be the source of the problem, but who knows.

How did you create the ETO install? Perhaps Multi-CFS3 has messed up the ETO directory locations, and the game can't find your texture files, so it's using whatever it can find.
Looks like some screenshot/screen capture got muddled up with the model textures, but wow! As a matter of interest, at Aircraft Detail 1 you'll never see the full resolution of the model. Can't imagine why you'd want that unless your rig is even older than mine (slider at 5 all the time here.)

Ah. When did you last clean the crud from your video card? All the dust, lint, dead spiders, hair etc that gathers in there out of sight and out of mind...?
Hi, for your configoverrides (the one in your Appdata pathway not the root folder of CFS3)
change <TextureLimits>

<aircraftmodels MaxDim="1024" Scale="0"/> to

<aircraftmodels MaxDim="4096" Scale="0"/>

change <DualPassRender val="y"/>

<HighResolutionZBuffer val="n"/> to

<DualPassRender val="n"/>

<HighResolutionZBuffer val="y"/>

change <CompositeAircraftTextureMaxDim val="1024"/> to

<CompositeAircraftTextureMaxDim val="4096"/>

I do not use these settings: <VertexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

<IndexBufferPool val="D3DPOOL_DEFAULT"/>

But I don't remember which ones I use. I also use different zbias settings.

Try changing <MaxModelLOD val="100"/> to

<MaxModelLOD val="250"/>

Most of these entries are only designed to improve aircraft textures.

The Dual Pass Render is a known bug config often tries to reset this back to "Y". Better to enable the high res z buffer as set out above.

Keep a backup of your original configoverrides if your system cannot handle these changes.

Cannot guarantee this is the solution to your problem, but it is worth a shot.

HTH, good luck
Answers to questions from: MajorMagee - video card - 1 year old GeForce 650 TI 2 gig
Drivers update automatically regularly
No shader mods, did not install ETO V1.50 shader-shine package, but sometimes, as I said, I get a shiny panel with reflections in it.
Win7 64bit

hairyspin - Computer built a year ago, intel 4th gen I5 processor, 8 gig mem
Case has intake filters and I clean it out every 3-6 months

Daiwilletti - Should I make all the changes at once?
WOW!! a mix-up of texture files.

I guessed I had see it all, since wrecking My CFS3 Installs thousands of times and re loading, in the past.
Last time I saw anything like this is when I was learning to work with Standalone aircraft, and skins.

Getting a texture file to do what this is doing tells me there is a serious Mix up of texture files in your set up.
without looking at your install this will be difficult to sort out..
Mainly because this one is completely new even to me, and I have trashed CFS3 every way possible in the learning process.
( And still do.. OOPPS!) :banghead:

I changed the configoverrides that I could figure out. You said that you don't use the VertexBufferPool or the IndexBufferPool, but didn't say to change anything on mine, so I didn't.
All of my TextureLimits have reversed the order, so now they read Scale first then MaxDim. My std cfs3 is now like that also. I can see by the post I made before, that they were in the order you show. Does this matter? I did change to the numbers you suggested.
MY DualPassRender had changed back to "y" but I put it back to "n".
I ran cfs3 ETO and it still does the same crazy aircraft texture thing that I posted before.
After, I checked the configoverrides file and the DualPassRender was still "n". Rebooted the computer and it went back to"y".

One thing I hadn't mentioned, was that after I switched planes and went to aircraft detail 1 then back to detail 5, and had normal texture, as it zooms out to the maximum distance in the flyover view, my plane changes to all brown but goes back to normal texture when it gets back to a closer view. This may be a normal detail vs distance thing.
i've similar case like this but with another game long time ago, that sometimes the texture won't show up but sometimes i go to my nvidia control panel then set "texture filtering to High quality" and that solve my case
if you have video card less than 2gb, set triple buffer to off and vertical snyc to off
Set "texture filtering to High quality", didn't seem to make any difference.
It is a 2gb card. Triple buffer was off, so turned it on, still no difference. Too many video settings for me to know where to start.
Unless someone comes up with some more ideas, I'll live with it for now, plus it doesn't do it for all aircraft. May reload from V1.0 some day.
Thanks for everyone's effort.
My theory

Someone or something(virus) changed the ui textures to load on the aircraft..

uninstall, clean registry from all old game files left over

-clean install after

If that doesn't work

check to see your game is the actual version a lot of people put virus and stuff on the fakes, although it may seem to work all right, it has been tampered with.
I was reading about NEK in the readme files and it says that there is supposed to be a cswap.exe file in the ETO expansion folder. I don't have that. I do have the cswap.html file, and the NEK folder. I also don't have the two desktop shortcuts it says are there. Could this be related to the aircraft texture problem I have?
I reloaded the whole game starting with the CFS3 to V1.3a. I reloaded CFS3 ETO V1.0. There was no change, same problem as before, CFS3 works fine, ETO V1.0 has texture problems on the aircraft that were not in the original game. All the original CFS3 planes are fine on video setting 5 in ETO, just not the add-on planes.

In doing some research a couple of days ago, I saw a statement that said one of the NVIDIA settings could give a problem with "some" texture panels. I have gone back to the onboard graphics, gen 4 Intel I5. All the planes in ETO now seem to be fine, even in video quality 5. Also the intro movie now plays correctly, had no picture before, just audio. Appears to me that my files are fine, it's just in the video card settings.

The problem is, the graphics are not smooth anymore. I can't find the statement about the NVIDIA setting that might fix this.
I would like to go back to the video card to get the fast smooth action.

Does anybody have any idea what the video setting is that I might need to change?