Changing Default Take off Time from Night to Day


SOH Staff
Staff member
Where can I find the default take off time in the cfg for FS9/2004?

If I do not manually change it when I start the free flight it always defaults to 2AM no matter where I fly from.

I know that there must be a default config entry that I can change some place.

Sorry, I am basically a CFS2 guy, but enjoy 2004 and FSX for flying commercial jets and turboprops.

Hi DD,
To change the default time/day/date/location/weather and ac type and configuration all you have to is to set all the parameters you want.

For example say a DC3, engines running, at Stuttgart airport, at 11.00am, June 1957, set all those parameters as you have done, and fly. In the flight screen bring up the choice bar at the top of the screen with the ALT key. Choose Flights then Save Flights, then save the current flight as the Previous Flight, and if you want that to be the deafult flight every time tick the box near the bottom, save and exit.

So whatever ac you choose to fly it will be at the same airport and time/date etc in the same configuration.

Also in the sim Settings screen, choose General and then highlight the Flight Time button, this will stop it defaulting to whatever the real time is for your flight.


Under Settings > General, there's a choice of whether to use System Time or Flight Time. Choosing Flight Time will set the clock to whatever time is set in the default flight (possibly with time zone offset - I've never tried it) when you set up a new flight.

Using System Time sets the clock to the current time on your PC, with time zone offset based on the location of your default flight. For example, let's say my default flight starts at Boston Logan in Eastern Time. I live in North Carolina, which is the same time zone. I set up a flight starting in London, which is five hour ahead. If the clock on my wall says it's 5 PM, then my flight will start at 10 PM. On the other hand, if my default flight is the original Seattle flight and I start a flight here in Greensboro, the flight time will actually be three hours ahead, because the Sim will assign my PC's time to Seattle, then offset the time +3 for the time zone difference.

The moral of all of this is to set up your default flight at an airport somewhere in your own time zone, that way you'll have the current local time anywhere you set up your next flight.
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