Changing skin on an Albatros DII


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
To POL: Having got P2 in October, I had always flown Albatros DIII or later planes; all of these with my "own" altered skins. Now I found, that JaSta 2 had DII's already in September 1916, and "painted" a skin for it. But now, I can't fly it in Campaign. It's alright in "Quick flight", but Campaign: no go. There, I always get a neutral wooden fuselage (default ?), no matter, which ace's skin I choose before. Is it just a known old problem I have to live with, or do you have an idea, what the mistake is?
Looking forward to your answer; thanks in advance. Olham

PS: Apart from smaller problems, the game is running great, now that I changed "Regional- and language settings" to English (USA), and I want to say a BIG THANK YOU ALL again; it's an old dream coming true... (must go now; think I can hear those SPAD VII's intruding again)
Sorry Oldham no idea, but we cannot make every single skin for every plane for every squad and every ace (although P3 is getting closer ;)).

For example some Aces had several colour schemes that changed many times, and had several craft too, and then joined several squads lol.

If the squad skin cannot be found (for whatever reason) the default is used.

There are two plane types that the player flies not one. One model is for QC = blablhah_QC1 and one is for campaign blahblah_Sqd so maye sure you save it to with the right name. See other examples in the skins folder, or failing that replace the with yours ?

Wait for P3 I'd say.
Wait for P3 I'd say. _Cheers, Polovski
Had the funny feeling, that that's exactly what I'm doing all the time :costumes:.

I have put all my skins into CAMPAINS > CAMPAIGN DATA > SKINS, as before. It works with DIII and later, but not with DII. I haven't found a there at all. But I'll look again. Thank you for your patience, and: off course do I look forward to P3 !
Have a nice weekend; Olham
Hallo Olham,
I don't have P2 on my system, so can't check for you, but: see if you can find in the skin folder the Alb DII skin for Jasta 2 - there are probably two there, one for 1916 and one for 1917. Back it up, then rename your skin with the Ja2 Alb name, whatever it was . Then, you should see your skin in campaign (however, all your wingmates will also be flying that skin.)
Wait for P3 I'd say. _Cheers, Polovski
Had the funny feeling, that that's exactly what I'm doing all the time :costumes:.

I have put all my skins into CAMPAINS > CAMPAIGN DATA > SKINS, as before. It works with DIII and later, but not with DII. I haven't found a there at all. But I'll look again. Thank you for your patience, and: off course do I look forward to P3 !
Have a nice weekend; Olham

Hi Olham54,

The defualt skins do not live in the CAMPAINS > CAMPAIGN DATA > SKINS folder, to change a defualt skin you need to go to the individual aircraft folder and look inside the texture folder.

In there you will see the correctly named skin for that plane and another one called

what happens is, the manager will look to the CAMPAINS > CAMPAIGN DATA > SKINS folder for a given skin, if it cant find what its looking for there, then it will take this default skin in the aircraft folder and rename it to the actaul aircraft skin name so that it shows in game. and then later if it finds a skin to use for a differant squadron the defualt skin is restored and the new skin substituted into the aircraft folder. the CAMPAINS > CAMPAIGN DATA > SKINS folder is just a storage place for the skins, in each case they get copied over to the plane in question and renamed to suit that aircraft.

so for the DII if you take your skin and call it defualt, and put it into the aircraft folder (DII_sqd I think it is for campaign), and then from the skin selection page select defualt skin you will see your skin in game.


regards Rob.
Thank you, Rob; that was exact, and well explained; and it works: I've got my Albatros "freshly painted" in Burgundy Red now. Will make a picture later, and put it into the thread "Showing some skin".
Thanks a ton, mate!
