Chelveston is uploaded

Cees Donker

Staff member
Now I can go on with Alconbury!:173go1:

RAF Chelveston was a military air base located on the south side of the A45,
5 miles east of Wellingborough, near the village of Chelveston in Northamptonshire, United Kingdom.
During World War II the base was occupied by both the Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Force. It was given USAAF designation Station 105.


Don't forget to install the 'vehicles for airfields'! There's also a fully operational animated windsock and a refuelling area near the fuel truck! fnkybnch had the idea to add a signal square and an ID square near the tower. In time there willl be a traffic file for the WOP B-17. Chuck Lawsen will do some repaints.


:ernae: Thank you Cees. I enjoy all of your airfields. One question on the vehicles. How many would you expect to see? I see two.
Thanks Cees and Chuck :applause::applause::applause::applause:

Looking forward to some circuits with the Forts

LDF :wave:
There are two veh's near the tower. There's one more near a fuel dump. And off course there's the caravan! Maybe these shots help?

Thanks Cees. I've found them.

PS I had alot of fun in Netherlands back in the late 70's, when I was on "vacation" with the U.S.Army.:ernae: