Cherokee DPC Korean skies mission crashes


Charter Member
Good day to you all at SOH.

I wondered if anyone can help me with a problem that I am having at the moment with the operation_cherokee_16 missions.

Ihave installed all the files that are far as I am aware which arelisted below. The mission builder says that it is correct and ready to install the missions
into the correct mission files in Korean skies. but when I want to fly the mission it just keeps crashing has anyone got any ideas.

Regards gary

<Unit ID="9097" Type="3mp_p_63a" Mud Pond King Cobra
<Unit ID="9088" Type="p_80a" no clue, stock CFS3?
<Unit ID="9099" Type="ch007" dpc_mig-15_ch007
<Unit ID="9076" Type="meteor_f8"
<Unit ID="9113" Type="yak-9_024" dpc_yak-9p_024

<Unit ID="9115" Type="korean_junk"
<Unit ID="9116" Type="submer_uboot" Ground Crew
<Unit ID="9119" Type="gc_u101" Ground Crew
<Unit ID="9139" Type="a_fletcher"
<Unit ID="9140" Type="a_aa_fletcher" SOH or Netwings ships
<Unit ID="9141" Type="a_cruiser"
<Unit ID="9143" Type="hms_eagle" IS4G Carriers
<Unit ID="9144" Type="a_cargo"
<Unit ID="9148" Type="dpc_uss_wisconsin" SOH and Netwings
<Unit ID="9152" Type="endurance" SOH or Netwings
<Unit ID="9147" Type="uss_enterprise" IS4G Carriers


<Facility ID="9073" Type="harbor_gunl_1"
<Facility ID="9072" Type="tank_farm"
<Facility ID="9071" Type="town_largeB"
<Facility ID="9070" Type="town_small-B"
<Facility ID="9069" Type="port_shipyard_large" Stock CFS3
<Facility ID="9068" Type="flak_battery_radar_2"
<Facility ID="9065" Type="mill_town_large1B"
<Facility ID="9064" Type="GC_Dock_Harbour" Ground Crew
<Facility ID="9062" Type="mill_town_large2B"
Cherokee missions

Hi everybody

I felt that I should explain a correction to my thread previously that when i go to fly the Cherokee missions
it's not the aircraft that crashes it's DPC Korean Skies itself just crashes to the desktop
my apologies if anyone is a bit confused.
Gary, I don't have the Korean skies mod on a drive at the moment but from what you are saying you have all the right bits, so Im guessing it might be related to the player aircraft, that one may be missing a sound cfg or the files the sound cfg is aliased to.
That's where I would start.

Do all the aircraft you need for the mission work in Quick Combat would be an easy way to check
Cherokee missions

Hello Mixxer you may have a point there, so I'll try that out many thanks


Gary, I don't have the Korean skies mod on a drive at the moment but from what you are saying you have all the right bits, so Im guessing it might be related to the player aircraft, that one may be missing a sound cfg or the files the sound cfg is aliased to.
That's where I would start.

Do all the aircraft you need for the mission work in Quick Combat would be an easy way to check