Continuing on my journey that originally started in Key West and last ended in Chichen Itza, Mexico, I did the next leg today from Chichen Itza Intl. down to Mundo Maya Intl. in Guatemala, by the city of Flores. Near this location is the ancient Mayan city of Tikal. Unfortunately, because it is not hand-crafted, Tikal right now has city buildings sticking up out of the jungle in-place of the Mayan temples/pyramids. Still, I really enjoyed the experience of the flight, which again was made in live time and with live weather, which started out clear, flying at 3,000 ft, but eventually I had to bring it up to 5 and then 6,000 to clear a system part way through the trip. I could visualize the humidity with all of the low ground-hugging clouds.
Lake Chichancanab.
Lake Chichancanab.