Christler Flying Services Connie N9465

I'm always up for another L749 paint.

Ditto here. And that is a very good "generic" paint for various mysterious tasks in exotic far away places . . I got an unsuccessful search trying to use your quick link. Happy to wait if you are uploading it in the normal way to the SOH Library.
Thanks guys, glad you like it! And yes it's a good "generic" repaint for those secret moonlight missions!
Expat, the link works on my end. Just clicking on it will take you to the download page.

It's also been uploaded to the 2 major flightsim sites Avsim and All my other connie tanker repaints can be found on them.
Great paint, thanks Mark. :applause:

Got mine this morning and tried it tonight, one of my favorites.

I like the basic lines.

Well done :icon29:
