Christmas Sales

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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I was wondering what is on your list just in case the payware sites have a Christmas Sale.

I think I might spring for a Beaver (Aerosoft's I think).:running:

I thought i'd buy myself a preasnt this year but i can pnly aford one, so im down to either Flight Replicas ME262 or the Virtavia EE Lightning pack, i'll have figured it out by next week :jump:
cheers ian
rather than getting the whole Aerosoft Beaver pack, why not just go for Freight Dogs? That was my first and remains one of my all-around best purchases - 6 wonderful airfields by Holger Sandmann and Bill Womack, a version of FSCargo, and 3 aircraft by Aerosoft - the Beaver in Amphibian and Tundra variants and the Beech 18 - all for about $20. Can't beat that deal!
thats one heck of a tough Choice Ian!

tell me about it, all 3 Alpha lightning packs have been put into one and at around £16, thats a lot of plane for the price, but im crying out for a good 262 also.
cheers ian
IMHP the Aerosoft Beaver is a sound investment. Lots of repaints out there for it, although not enough private registrations. I fly mine A LOT!

tell me about it, all 3 Alpha lightning packs have been put into one and at around £16, thats a lot of plane for the price, but im crying out for a good 262 also.
cheers ian

I'd defintely go with the Lightnings if I was in your shoes Ian, especially with them all in the one pack at that price - superb models, I have a lot of fun flying them, trying (unsuccessfully so far) to intercept the AI Bears I set up.

I think there is a pretty decent 262 from FSFrance over at Flightsim, if that helps any with the decision making.
Already got mine, 4 from Golden Age Sims (Boeing 40, Stearman, Pitcairn Giro and Stinson Jr- all fantastic), Sky unlimited Spitfire ('cos I needed another one, lol), Virtavia Dauphin (It's got a RN skin :d) and Virtuacol Cessna Crusader (Imagine stock aircraft with more animations and improved VC). Best part is I'm rebuilding so I can actually fly them. Speaking of which I have some stuff from before I never got to try, got Flight Deck III, Carrier ops triple pack and Helicopter operations (Whirlybirds in US) by Abacus. All on disc second hand for £0.01 plus postage, I only bought them for the carriers and rigs, etc as most aircraft will probably be relegated to AI (sorry Abacus, lol).

No pics of any, as I haven't installed my capture proggy yet.

I'd defintely go with the Lightnings if I was in your shoes Ian, especially with them all in the one pack at that price - superb models, I have a lot of fun flying them, trying (unsuccessfully so far) to intercept the AI Bears I set up.

I think there is a pretty decent 262 from FSFrance over at Flightsim, if that helps any with the decision making.

Strangely enough when taking a test flight from Vietnam Ops Carrier, found this AI Bear, must be part of the package. Haven't installed much.

View attachment 54473

Had to slap Snapper on to grab a screenie. You can see an AI A4 on approach to land on the barely visible carrier (USS Constellation) mid right shot.

Had a ropey moment last night whilst adding some stuff back in, CTD every sim launch. Eventualy rectified the situation through trial and error, deleting the scenerystauts.dat file did the trick, never heard of that before, but it worked.

Anyway, my 'still flying' pics of the VirtualCol Crusader with my rediscovered EZScenery mods to Insch Darioch, just need to dig out the sounds and animation tracks for FSE. The Crusader is okay, must use default sounds as it is silent at the moment, very weird flying a plane with no engine noise, really does effect flying experience and judgment. She's pretty nasty with elevator control, anything otherthan small smooth movements causes nose up and wing drop to stbd, easily recovered though. Harsher movements cause structural failures quite easily. A few tweaks will sort that out though. Not very clickable in VC and mirror like rivets on the fuselage are my other main concerns, but she did only cost me £3-ish. For that price I'll invest a little time to make her to my liking.

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Strangely enough when taking a test flight from Vietnam Ops Carrier, found this AI Bear, must be part of the package. Haven't installed much.


Had to slap Snapper on to grab a screenie. You can see an AI A4 on approach to land on the barely visible carrier (USS Constellation) mid right shot.


The Bear is part of the package. I picked up Vietnam Carrier ops a while ago for the Constellation. The aircraft included have long been eclipsed by free versions - the king of which is the Alphasim/ Virtavia Phantom.