Microsoft Flight Simulator: City Update IX highlights select locations throughout the northeastern United States with updated aerial imagery, new digital elevation models, and TIN (triangulated irregular network) surface texturing. The update includes the Washington, DC region; Buffalo, New York; Allentown, Pennsylvania area; and the East End of Long Island, New York. They are the latest enhancements to the immersive and ever-improving Microsoft Flight Simulator world experience!
There is a small City Up[date for City Update III: Texas also. Go to the Marketplace, open World, and scroll to the bottom where the World and City Updates are.
There is a small City Up[date for City Update III: Texas also. Go to the Marketplace, open World, and scroll to the bottom where the World and City Updates are.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update IX: Northeastern United States - Microsoft Flight Simulator
Experience the enhanced detail of four key areas in the northeastern United States…