Claim confirm or rejected time question (and question about log)



Claim confirm or rejected time question (and question about log)

Is there a set time that a claim gets confimred or rejected or is it random? I submitted two claims in one day (2 seperate flights) but got one confirmed the following day but the other is still pending.

Also how do I add text to the log in game? I want to save information (enemy aces encountered etc.) but can't seem to save it while in campaign.

Having a blast.

This claim game is a mysterious to me:whistle:

Today I started a new career, as an EIII jockey. Yepp, she is fun, really! My first flight took us (my wingies) across some Bris Scouts from RFC-1. 5 on 4(me) started the merge. To shorten the 25 minutes blood, sweat and tears, we came out, still 4, the brits zero. At least I was sure to have had shot down at least one. This was the way I filed my claim. I did it in german, courious what will happen. I quote my file down here:

5/11/1915 8h18 Flanders Bertincourt Patrol Friendly Front Lines Flying: Fokker EIII. On this day claims: 1 Single Seater Type. Während der Patrouille stiessen wir über der Front auf eine Rotte vom RFC-1. 5 gegnerische Maschinen stürtzten sich aus grosser Höhe auf uns. Es waren Bristol Scout D3. Ich erzielte bei mehreren Maschinen Treffer in Bereich des Motors und des Cockpits. Bei einer Bris führten die Treffer zum Absturz. Ich beanspruche hiermit 1 Bris Scout abgeschossen zu haben. Zeugen:Heinrich Becker, Eugen Görlitz und Horst heubenstamm. Das Gefecht fand nördlich von Balatre und westlich von Cappy statt.. Witnessed by: Heinrich Becker, Eugen Goerlitz, Horst Heubenstamm Status : Pending 40

When I returned to the "Dossier" Log-page, I made eyes like grapefruits. My wingies filed me 4 claims! :woot: Let`s see what will happen.
Any other way to make screenies, except FRAPS. Somehow it does not work during OFF-manager.

Any other way to make screenies, except FRAPS. Somehow it does not work during OFF-manager.

Yep, Fraps only works in the 'flying' part of the game.

For screen shots in the manager I think you would have to use the Windows method...hit 'PrintScreen' button to capture the screen and then open Windows Paint program and 'paste'. Not sure what equivalent is on a German keyboard/system.
can you save stuff you type into your log?

I'm not sure exactly what it is you're saying you want to do, but if I understand it correctly I believe you can go to the text-file for your pilot and type stuff directly into it there (being sure not to mess up the formatting or remove certain items of punctuation). Save it and it should then show up in your in-game logbook.
I try to put anything interesting in my claims, seems to make more sense to me personally. Log is just what the mission was, claims are for the story, but I quess if you come up empty handed (or my personal favorite, your wingmen finish off some guy you busted your butt to nail!!!) then you would have to enter the text file.

As for claims----last night I had a "pending 88" and it got denied, go figure. Seems to me that if you rack up many kills in between confirmations, things just get denied. Be like me, and just pick off the smokers, you'll live longer and get the confirmed kills.:Banane40:
can you save stuff you type into your log?

I noticed that in your dossier, you can enter text in your log and your claims, but when you change screens it isn't saved. I was thinking it would be cool to be able to add to my log text. I wouldn't want to alter claims, just to have the opportunity to note things like promotions, squadron changes or field/aircraft changes... make it more .... loggy :icon_lol:.
Any other way to make screenies, except FRAPS. Somehow it does not work during OFF-manager.



It says for the various MSFS sims but it'll take screens of any sims. Shoots menus, intell, workshop, everything. Let's you fire away without having to stop and load each image into some other program. Just open the folder when you are done flying and see what you've captured.