Classic American Trains come to FS9


Charter Member
For those of you like me who longed for some realistic trains to set on the tracks, Dan French has finally given us our wish. He has created a library of over 50 classic American late steam era and early diesel era trains including the liveries of the famous Daylight of Southern Pacific and the famed Super Chief Streamliner and the universally used and loved Pullman passenger cars as well as freight cars and a caboose. Thank you Dan, much appreciated, and there is even a LA late era streetcar, these are designed to work on both FS9 and FSX and with some work can be made to run in AI mode, tho we are still doing research and hope to release some add on packages to install them in major cities and ideal locations. With some re skinning they can work for just about any train of any era.


Filename: License: Freeware, limited distribution Added: 14th March 2013, 04:13:17 Downloads: 251 Author: Dan French Size: 3814kb

File Description:
This library contains over 50 models of locomotives (steam and diesel), freight cars, and heavyweight and streamline passenger cars to help you fill your tracks with rail equipment. Built in FS9 modelling, they should work in both FS2004 and FSX sceneries. Night lighting included on some engines and passenger cars. By Dan French.

A great help and contribution to the sim world. thank you Dan.

Dan said he would upload to the major libraries so you should be able to find the file ok.

Some pictures of the Train library set:







Sounds very promising. Somehow I keep thinking this should be integrated into CalClassic's scenery offerings.

- h52