Classic Wings D-558-I Skystreak

Nice! Very nice! Very rewarding to fly this one. What's with the tractor that I see in the selection screen? How do I make it show up in the sim?



(And this should be a sticky if you ask me!)
She's a beauty and is lots of fun to fly. :wiggle: Thanks a bunch to all involved in her creation!

Thanks as well. :icon29:

Several years ago over at Netwings, I exchanged pm's with a fella whose grandfather was one of the chief test pilots on the Skystreak program. He had set up a website dedicated with photos and information that has long since vanished. There were some good stories!


Edit: Turns out the site is still around. The test pilot was Gene May.
Great aircraft! :ernae:

Great early Experimental Jet! Happy to have it. Those of us here who have flown supersonic in real life (Me with the F/A-18 A&B) know that you do not hear the sonic boom inflight, cool effect anyways.

Mike :wiggle:
thx for the HU on this. I downloaded a whole slew of planes from that site and theres some really nice stuff there. They appear to be built using very solid diesign principles - don't overdo the details so the performance stays nice and smooth but theres a very appealing cleanliness to the textures and lines. Very nice... :)