Clawson-Shessi J2F Duck WW2 skinpack

Clawson-Shessi J2F Duck WW2 skinpack 2024-05-23

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Captain Kurt

Library Staff
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Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Clawson-Shessi J2F Duck WW2 skinpack - Clawson-Shessi J2F Duck WW2 skinpack

Clawson-Shessi J2F Duck WW2 Skinpack by UncleTgt

This is a collection of repaints for the reworked Clawson-Shessi Grumman J2F Duck for CFS 2.

The textures are:

J2F-4 Duck, PATWING 10 December 1941: This is based on a single b/w photo appearing to show one of the few PATWING 10 aircraft to reach Australia early in 1942. It has a unique 4-colour paint scheme.

J2F-5 Duck, USN June 1944: A generic tri-camo plane from late 1943 onwards.

J2F-5 Duck, USCG November 1943: Based on the Atlantic...

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