clock in FS9


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i have the sim set to match my PC system time.and it does when i first start..i chose my plane..then go to chose my airport,default is seatle and lets say the time is 12:45pm PST....i chose KAUN which is auburn california...due south..still in PST time zone yet the clock goes back an hour to 11:45am....whats happening and is there a fix?

Sure is Dave... move to Easten time zone. ;) :costumes:

Sorry I can't help ya. I couldn't resist, it was just there waiting. :ernae:
Hi Dave, Gary!

Have same behavior as Dave but haven't been able to reproduce it predictably. Seems random but think it is tied to selections I make creating a flight. Maybe also selections from previously created flight, or from flight planner (airport & state/province). Maybe also PC timezone and daylight saving time settings...

I haven't tried very hard to narrow it down and can't offer a solution, but at least now you know you're not the only one to have seen this and that your computer isn't out to get you. (Well, can't say for sure about the 2nd.)

