clock time format


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Hallo friends,
in my FS2004 when I point on a clock it gives me the time in am/pm format.
but I would prefer it in 24h format for example 23:15 and not 11:15pm
can this be changed, and if how to do so
Just reading around the Interweb and it looks like you would have to change the clock.xml in the panel folder of the aircraft you are flying. Sorry, don't know if FS2004 uses .xml or not.
XML flies are gauges.

In the old days gauges were .gau files, still used on older panels on older models and sometimes on newer models too. In more recent times, on more recent models with more recent panels, they have been superseded by .xml files.

The visual components like instrument dials are separate bitmap files. Because the bitmaps can be opened and edited with any image program, and since the xml files can be opened and edited with Wordpad or Notepad, it's a simple matter to make alterations to the gauges. To edit the old .gau files you need dedicated software.

In the circumstance under discussion, if the clock is an xml gauge the required edit is probably simple. There is probably a line with a value that can be edited to make the clock show either 12-hour or 24-hour time. If it's a gau gauge it won't be so simple. But you could probably find an xml clock gauge to substitute. Or for that matter, a gau gauge that shows 24-hour time.

FS doesn't care which type of gauges the panel uses. Many panels have some old gau gauges and some newer xml ones.

I think that's the 'tooltips' that presents that format, based on what you set your actual PC clock to read, rather than a gauge display.

I'll have a look in the SDK


Hallo friends,
at first thank you for your replies and the interest shown.
I almost investigated the fs9 options - nothing where to change the time format,
than I examined the xml file of different gauges and found nothing that I could perhaps change.
Yes I presume that it is coded somewhere in the tooltips or something like that.
or in the fs9.cfg.
But I do not see where it might be possible to change something.
I still hope that one of the experts who knows more about the deepness of the FS2004 config can
find if there is a solution.
Well, I have a possible clue, but I might be off base on it. If it can't be changed in FS or in the clock gauge, them maybe it picks up the time format from your system clock.

That would be simple - but I suppose you already have your system clock set the way you like it...

What model plane are you loading and what gauge is it calling for in the panel.cfg?

This is the default C172. The gauge it loads is one of the old .gau gauges (which was actually a .dll file).

The tool tip or help ID only shows "Clock"

Load up the default Cessna 172 and if your clock reads in 24hr time format the issue is how the help ID or tooltip are written in the gauge. Probably your only choice is to find a gauge that does what you want and replace the gauge in the panel with that one.


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