Close Encounters of the MSFS Kind


SOH Staff
Staff member
Always a fan of Orbx. Thought i'd try a first MSFS offering. Insbrück looks awesome in the screenshots. Tried default Insbrück first. Truly wonderful. No doubt. Full experience from day into the night ( 'time of day setting instantly on the fly' for president !) During sunset however i noticed strange lights that seemed to be moving fast thru the sky and coming towards me. At first i thought could be reflections of the lights down below superimposed on my windscreen :


But no, no reflections, the real thing :


I am seriously getting reflections myself : Close Encounters Of The Third Kind at Devils Tower ( we need to check that out, don't we..) :


At the same time i started to hear these 6 tones produced by the aliën communication system ( coincidently the MSFS loading screens tune also consists of 6 tones.... ) but anyway, no loss of engine power or electrical failure during my approach into Insbrück and i could land safely.


Btw, despite the close encounter nightlighting looks awesome around default Insbrück ! Still going to try Orbx's instalment. I might report back.


So far i read somewhere, that ORBX is aware of the problem and seems to be a problem within MSFS...

Thanks Marcel, yes, ufo's still there in Orbx Insbrück too.

Which btw is well worth the 17 euro if you ask me. Absolutely gorgeous. And wagon loads of trains and rolling stock too there at the Insbrück station and yard. Hopefully they'll do get rolling someday.

Last edited by Javis; Today at 16:03. Reason: enough ufos​
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It's not an "Orbx" problem, it's a general problem with MSFS. I don't have Orbx installed, and I see the lights in some locations. It seems around mountains, sharp changes in terrain?