Cloud distance?


Charter Member
Does anyone know of a setting to allow clouds to be visible from a greater distance? My detail settings are on 5 and I edited the cloud radius values in the different weather .xml files in the weather folder to 1,000,000 but still they only seem to go out so far. I'd like to get them visible all the way out to the horizon if possible. I just can't figure out what controls it.
Probably so, was just hoping someone else had stumbled upon it. Nice to know I'm not the only one wondering about these things.
Have you looked at the various weather mods on the archive Daniel, I seem to remember that someone had done it, probably wrong though!
How about playing with the skyboxes, not quite the same thing but may work as long as your below the clouds.
I would but they aren't available yet, there's some good stuff in there. I know OFF painted the skybox, which works well enough for them as it's mostly low altitude work, but it looks a bit odd as you get higher.
Bringing this old thread back to life because I'm looking into this very issue again right now. :neglected:

The other Microsoft flight sims from this time period had a variable draw distance setting for the clouds, so I suspect they put a way to control that in here somewhere, even if it was just for their own development work. The default is fine for low altitude stuff, but once you get up very high it's pretty obvious that you are sitting above a little island of clouds. At least they did a fairly nice job of gently fading in the new clouds as you approach the next transition boundary.
I wish there was, but I've never found it. Perhaps Ankor knows a way to change the distance, or maybe it's locked up in the dlls somewhere. Does anyone know how to get into their contents and edit them?