Cloud9 Phantom new aterburner effects


Charter Member
If you want to give it a try, here is how it is to replace the original effects with the one from the IRIS Phantom FGR.2:


Replace the light section with this one:

light.0 = 3, -16.43, -19.2, -3.00, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, -16.43, 19.2, -3.00, fx_navgre
light.2 = 1, -35.30, 0.00, 7.35, fx_navwhi
light.3 = 9, -17.5, 2.3000, -3.200, fx_phantom_aniburner
light.4 = 9, -20.5, 2.4000, -5.00, fx_phantflame
light.5 = 9, -17.5, -2.3000, -3.200, fx_phantom_aniburner
light.6 = 9, -20.5, -2.4000, -5.00, fx_phantflame
light.7 = 8, -22.45, 18.85, -3.00, c9F4_contrail
light.8 = 8, -22.45,-18.85, -3.00, c9F4_contrail
light.9 =10, 9.70, 0.00, -0.90, fx_vclight
light.10 =10, 7.10, 0.00, 0.15, fx_vclight
light.11 = 2, 0.30, 0.00, 1.55, c9f4_strobew
light.12 = 2, 3.35, -3.35, -5.00, c9f4_strobew
light.13 = 2, 3.35, 3.35, -5.00, c9f4_strobew
light.14 = 2, -24.40, 0.00, 3.80, fx_beacon
light.15 = 7, 0.30, 0.00, 1.55, fx_navwhi
light.16 = 7, 3.35, -3.35, -4.80, fx_navwhi
light.17 = 7, 3.35, 3.35, -4.80, fx_navwhi
light.18 = 1, -24.40, 0.00, 3.80, fx_navred
light.19 = 2, -35.30, 0.00, 7.35, c9f4_strobew

Have a nice flight!

Hi Stéph,

That sounds good! The sounds connection to be something new, because of poor quality


Hi Pete,
I know the differences between those engines but even if the burners are a bit short with my mod, I prefer the way they look compared to the original ones...
Best regards
