Cloud9 Phantom Paintkit, where can I find it?

Just do a search for the subject of your post. Google is your friend.

I found ones of of after market repaints, I am looking for the original from Cloud 9....I don't have my original install package & was looking for it...after further reading I figured out I need to contact DAG for the one I am looking for....thanks.
If I recall correctly, there was never an 'official' properly layered paintkit from Cloud9. There are a good number of repaints available at several sites, including here; your best bet would be to contact one of those repainters and see if they have a paintkit and would be happy and kind enough to share it with you - Dag or Zsolt would probably be good people to start with.
Do a search here in the Warbirds Archives under the author's name "Dag" and you will get his excellent multi-layered PSD paintkits.
There should be at least 6 sets of psds.
The repaint kit that came with the package was useless and very complicated. I believe noone made any repaints from it.
Thursday will send you the paintkit!
Now I am the fire brigade on duty, and tomorrow I'll go fishing with your colleagues..
Would be very nice if we had a paintkit section here in the download department. Would hopefully encourage folks to upload their kits and we ALL win from that. More paints means more revenue for payware companies from increased sales thus helps sustain development of more models and so forth..... Freeware devs see their works reaching increased audiences, more feedback from more users hopefully with increased constructive information helps the dev to improve their models and maybe even become better at their craft. And we get more paintsin the process.

would also encourage more users to pick up the painbrush, more painters painting more paints, can't be a bad thing.

A win/win situation, no?

I found them, I'm sorry for the headaches! This site has taken me a bit to get use to on how & where to search. Now that I just got PSP I am looking at doing some repaints, but still trying to learn! What's the easiest way to add patches, tailcodes etc om PSP?

CalClassics also has an excellent FS paint tutorial for PSP that I found extremely helpful, among others.