Cloud9 Phantom virtual cockpit question


Charter Member
Hi everyone,

if somebody on the forums here still has this addon installed, could you kindly do me a small favour and have a quick look
into its panel.cfg file and tell me how many "[vcockpit]" sections it has?

Thinking about buying it from the fsdreamteam webstore, but unfortunately everything with more than
three [vcockpit] sections in the panel.cfg file tends to have very laggy gauge refresh rates in the virtual cockpit, therefore
the question.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Kind Regards,

There appears to be just one:

pixel_size=1024, 1024

gauge00=cloud9 Phantom\f4!ADI, 385,470,248,247,LOW VC
gauge01=cloud9 Phantom\f4!ALTIMETER, 645,482,136,135,VC
gauge02=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RADIO ALTIMETER, 94,483,152,152,VC
gauge03=cloud9 Phantom\f4!MACH METER, 249,483,132,133,VC
gauge04=cloud9 Phantom\f4!VSI, 680,649,98,98,VC
gauge05=cloud9 Phantom\f4!HSI, 380,728,248,210,LOW VC
gauge06=cloud9 Phantom\f4!ADI BACKUP, 644,758,138,138,VC
gauge07=cloud9 Phantom\f4!AOA, 276,637,101,101,1 VC
gauge08=cloud9 Phantom\f4!G-METER, 104,383,93,93,VC
gauge09=cloud9 Phantom\f4!FUEL, 914,460,110,110,VC
gauge10=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RPM, 809,679,83,82,1 VC
gauge11=cloud9 Phantom\f4!EGT, 810,777,83,82,1 VC
gauge12=cloud9 Phantom\f4!FUEL FLOW, 809,869,83,82,1 VC
gauge13=cloud9 Phantom\f4!GROUND SPEED, 809,582,83,82,VC
gauge14=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RPM, 909, 680 ,83,82,2 VC
gauge15=cloud9 Phantom\f4!EGT, 909,776,83,82,2 VC
gauge16=cloud9 Phantom\f4!FUEL FLOW, 909,869,83,82,2 VC
gauge17=cloud9 Phantom\f4!NOZZLE INDICATOR, 908,582,83,82,VC
gauge18=cloud9 Phantom\f4!OIL PRESS, 646,912,50,50,1 VC
gauge19=cloud9 Phantom\f4!OIL PRESS, 717,912,50,50,2 VC
gauge20=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RADAR, 401,223,204,203,VC
gauge21=cloud9 Phantom\f4!CLICKABLE AREA, 885,476,22,22,VC
gauge22=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RADAR SWITCH, 646,367,55,,VC
gauge23=cloud9 Phantom\f4!ALT. HOLD LAMP, 643,279,34,72,VC
gauge24=cloud9 Phantom\f4!TARGET LAMP, 338,278,33,72,VC
gauge25=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RANGE LAMP, 638,233,125,18,VC
gauge26=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RADAR RETICLE SWITCH, 730,316,29,,VC
gauge27=cloud9 Phantom\f4!RANGE DIGIT, 688,289,34,16,VC
gauge28=cloud9 Phantom\f4!WCOMPASS, 812,13,201,135,VC
gauge29=cloud9 Phantom\f4!CLOCK, 11,879,131,,VC