clouds issue


Charter Member
hi guys, happy new year to u all firstly!
I´m back to my best beloved flight sim after quite a longtime due to a new rig which costed me some time to tune but now works as devil runnin CFS3 as never imagined (and the demanding FSX as well...)
Just an issue which I always had but I thought it could be forgotten with this new powerful rig: when entering and flying through thick clouds, other than being thrown all over which it should be normal, I see squared "gates" or "layers" I could not better explain but can add screeshots when needed.
This stops as I get off the clouds: so now I wonder if this is inherent to CFS3 (I do not experience it in CFS2 or FSX) or is my installation wrong?
I have that in ETO, as well in MAW and others CFS3 declinations but being the clouds in ETO to fly so nice to fly through I´m resolute to solve the issue at least in ETO when possible... (no matter which quality I set, 1 or 5, I always get that issue)
thks a lot for any advice!
(new rig comprehends a GeForce 9800 with latest drivers and a 26inches monitor 1920x1200 resol)
i Think i had same prob a while back, try this go to your vanilla CFS3/effects/fxtextures. and copy the files "h2od_01 TO h2od_16" and paste them into the corresponding folder of the flight sim thats giving you the trouble. and let them overwrite (BACK UP FIRST) hope this helps.
I get that also. I'm using an 8800GTX

I have a 8800gtx as well, but i dont think in my case it was the graphics card, when i went to the h2od files in my untouched cfs3 they were 85 Kb. but when i went to the FS. that was giving me trouble, the h2od files were much larger( cant remember exactaly but they were 100+ Kb).
I had these troubles also when using aa ATI 1950xPro so I think this issue should be related to what jaycee says or at least I hope...
have u already tried the trick oldcrow? just I wonder: are these files related to water? I remember (not so sure...) I modified them to get new water effects in the sim I use the most (a personal version of the "1943" scenario) but not in ETO. The new ETO install for instance should have used the original textures from my vanilla install so I can´t explain to myself how could it happen...
copy the files "h2od_01 TO h2od_16"

These files are water textures, not clouds textures.
I think the issue you describe is in VC view, right? If it is, then the problem is a cfs3 one, and there's one only cure : zoom in. Actually, the cfs3 rendering engine doesn't fill the screen with the inside clouds texture when your POV is a bit further back than the default setting. Unfortunately, this POV default setting is a bit too close to the dashboard and doesn't give you enough situational awareness so many add-on planes have this default zoom a bit further back, bringing up this problem.

Make the test with a stock aircraft.
u are confirming me what I was thinking so I´d better do some trials but if u are right then the cure would be to zoom in and stay locked there?
however I wonder why this issue is being experienced by so few when inherent to cfs3 with so many add-on airplanes around.....
I guess people have taken the attitude of living with it...
Usually a one click zoom is enough to get rid of the problem, but you are not obliged to "stay locked there". Once you're out of the clouds, you can zoom out to your favourite POV.