CM-170 Fouga Magistser!


AzurPoly (makers of the insanely GREAT BD-5 for MSFS) is doing a Fouga Magister for MSFS as their next release!

MUST BUY for me.

Thank you for the heads-up, Kent! The Fouga Magister is one of my favorite jets.

Here's a render that was posted on their Facebook page yesterday (for those that don't do Facebook):

Excellent news,

while waiting for a naval aviation version by May 2022 with the release of the Top Gun: Maverick DLC expansion ....
And hopefully we get a good paintkit...would like to do some Belgian, German and Israeli variants.

This might be the addon I'm most excited about now. I love this aircraft. Fingers crossed we see it by spring 2022 but I understand there'll be a lot of work to get this one done.
And for those of us who do not master the beautiful French language, the freeware one will be released before the end of the month! :jump:


Priller so glad to be a Belgian
Fouga Magister Update 1.2.4
Available on Marketplace, Orbx and Simmarket. :jump:

- Fixed collision mesh for VR zoom
- Updated EFB map source
- Added V/S mode to EFB autopilot
IMPORTANT: If you have the Marketplace version and previously installed our weapons manager, do not forget to update it: