Coast Guard R5D-3 coming soon


Charter Member
I'm packaging up a Coast Guard R5D repaint for Jens B. Kristensen's FS2004 Douglas DC-4 & C-54 (DC4_V30.ZIP). Should be uploading later today. Attached are a few screen shots. This will only work with version 3, as there were mapping changes between this version and the earlier versions.

Before the "rivet counters" start in, there are a few mapping issues I can't change.
1. The aerials and antennae are mapped to the surface they are on, including the ADF "footballs on the lower fuselage. I can't change them.
2. There is a scoop on the top of the fuselage that is half mapped to some area where the color border is. I can't change it.
3 There are some slight misalignments in mapping the horizontal stabs. as the texture provides 1 half for both top and the other half for both bottom. That's why there is some orange on the elevators themselves.

These are minor, IMHO, and I'm happy to have this variant in my hangar. Hope you enjoy it!
Looks great !! Of course, if you are NOT the original author of the model, you cannot change the "rivets" as you say.

I always liked Mike Stone's philosophy -- If you don't like the plane, no one is forcing you to use it. Perfectly applicable.

Thanks again for the repaint.
Looks great !! Of course, if you are NOT the original author of the model, you cannot change the "rivets" as you say.

I always liked Mike Stone's philosophy -- If you don't like the plane, no one is forcing you to use it. Perfectly applicable.

Thanks again for the repaint.

Thanks, I have no complaints with the model at all. This version corrected a lot of issues that the earlier versions had, including some mapping zingers! I started doing this on version 2 and there was an area on the lower aft fuselage, I couldn't find the texture for at all. Luckily, I installed version 3 and all was well, and you guys get to have it and not the recycle bin! LOL!!!!

I just put the disclaimer in, for those expecting a perfect repaint, this one ain't perfect!

Very nice, Dave! I'll tell ya, there'd be no excuse for not seeing that plane... what with all that day-glo paint.

Thank you very much, Dave! That is a wonderful livery for one of my favorite planes.

Thanks guys! There will be at least 3 more Coast Guard R5D's coming soon. An all bare metal one, the same bird in a later scheme and one based at Elizabeth City CGAS.

I'm also going to try repainting the Dee Waldron Martin 404 as an RM-1Z Coast Guard VIP bird. We'll have to see how that goes as there isn't a paint kit for it! Don't know why I'm on a Coast Guard bender right now, guess I think they're under represented! LOL!

:salute:Hey Duckie,

More fans keep ya cooler! LOL!!!:jump:


:icon_lol: Yeah, I guess you'ld need 'em with all those dials and numbers to keep up with, especially since FS doesn't include a flight engineer to help keep up with all that! Got it in the hanger anyway just in case I might, one day, get the urge!

Keep em comin' :salute: