Coastal Command Updates


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Have had this on the hd for a looooong time. Just wanted to finish it. Made a new pylon and modified the eto_wellington_marine xdp. Will send to the ETO folks so they can upload the new xdp and pylons.

Good hunting!

Oh, exactly what did I make?
great!! I really enjoy your CC aircrafts, I like to fly the Bay of Biscay with them, it's a real change from the high altitude fighter sweep!

many, many thanks.
pretty detailed laundry hangers there ted.does the pair have damage boxes? have you by chance, got a leigh light fixture in the huge pile of projects?
Thanks mate, loverly job.

Here's a completely wacky idea. How about the ASR version with a lifeboat slung underneath? Wild eh! Well we haven't got either a Hudson or a Warwick, but they did trial a Whimpy once.:applause:
Thanks Ted,

She really looks the part now. :ernae: looking forward to the files to see how it all comes together.

regards Rob.

I am glad you like it. Just wanted to see how they look before the PBY's use of them (oops) did I speak too soon .....