Coastal Shipping Generator


Charter Member
Whilst uploading the P-47d mission set for MAW 1943 (get 'em while they're hot! :redfire:), I noticed that I have two versions of the Coastal Shipping Generator in the Missions section. There have been a combined 160-ish uploads.

Please note that I have uploaded a better, streamlined generator of small ships coastally, directly under "CFS3 Other Add-Ons", dated November 2018. Friendly ships spawn in friendly coastal waters, enemy ships spawn in enemy coastal waters. I still enjoy seeing these odd little formations appear, after one has gotten used to the bland sameness of the random shipping spawns, which in stock version only use the one formation. Best of all, the improved coastal shipping generator is able to be added to any install, without the need to modify port facilities or anything like that.

In my Modified Stock Install I use three different shipping formations under ground.spawns file, and also have three sets of coastal shipping formations for both friendly and enemy coasts. The opportunity for adding diversity and interest is high.

The other improvement is that friendly cargo ships no longer spawn in enemy waters (highly unrealistic) or vice-versa. I only allow marauding enemy warships into friendly waters.
Thought I'd throw in another screenie, with a couple of Upholder British submarines...

Spawning along the channel coast in Pat's BoB
