Coastal Shipping Spawns for ETO


Charter Member
Just uploaded is a package adding coastal shipping to ETO Era 3. It is in CFS3 Other - Missions and Campaigns.

If you fly near to stock port or sub bases, you will get submarines/ patrol boats/ destroyers spawning. The screenshot is taken near the port_medium facility at Cherbourg.

NB I have not yet attached the coastal spawns to the GB-GC harbour/dock facilities, although this could easily be done. I would prefer to make Nation-specific (ie British) coastal shipping spawns for those facilities, rather than the generic spawns currently used.


  • Coastal Spawns Cherbourg sm.jpg
    Coastal Spawns Cherbourg sm.jpg
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any idea how i would do quick mission attacking a ship? everything is available but that.

Are you wanting to attack ships in QC mode?

If you have the coastal shipping spawns loaded, I would suggest selecting a ground attack mission and ignoring the generated target, select your loadouts for an anti-ship mission and select an airbase near one of the stock coastal port or sub_base facilities. If you choose free flight, the enemy formations do not shoot back which is no fun!

Have you noticed how there is an option to attack airbases in QC mode? It is a mystery why that option is not available in campaign mode. I wonder if the OFF team has cracked/hacked that little issue. It would certainly make writing more realistic Bob campaigns a lot easier.
Ok, got it working. Now to try flying up the Elba River from Hamburg. There's a factory, boat yard and sub pens that are great targets and having ships/subs in the water is a big bonus!
Alas, no boats on the Elba for me. I thought the sub base and shipyard would cause them to spawn..............

I have not tested this location. I only tested Cherbourg.

If you look at the xml spawn files you will see that the ships are linked to shipping lanes; I am not sure if there is a shipping lane on the Elba River. I did consider a bigger distance (specified at the top of the facility files) to trigger spawning to allow for things like that. the nearest shipping lane to Hamburg might be a few more ks away. The current coastal spawns are set up to trigger within 5km of the facility. If the shipping lane is further away, nothing will happen.

Try changing the 5000 outer distance parameter in the coastal facilities to 8000? This can easily be done in Notepad or simple text editor. You may have to fly further out to seaward to trigger the ships if the shipping lane is further out.

ALSO, please check that the facilities on the Elba are stock. I would think they are, but if the shipyard and sub pens on the Elba are non-stock facilities the shipping spawns have not been attached to them.

As time permits I would like to expand the ETO package, including British coastal shipping near all the GB-GC docks established in the extensive global layer.
Just a thought, I think Brest has port and sub pen facilities too if you would like to be turned into a pin-cushion! :biggrin-new:
It's weird the way they spawn, I fly a free flight in QC out of Cherbourg and I might see two subs or two subs and a E-boat (yet to see a cruiser) but when I select ground target in QC and ignore the factory, railyard etc. , no ships appear
The Elba facilities are stock, there was great set of missions based on Elba. The 46th River Rat Set, I just don't know if they are compatible with ETO. I'll try Brest when I get home from work!