Cockpit jumping around randomly in VR


Staff member
While in VR, I have this annoying issue where the cockpit “jumps around” randomly. Forward, backwards, side to side, etc. It seems worse when flying planes with less outside visibility: The effect is less in the P-51 than in the Lockheed 10. Also, it seems to get “triggered” when I go “heads down” to read a gauge. It seems as though it gets worse the less of the outside world is visible to the headset (HP Reverb G2). If I’m careful, I can get into a situation where the cockpit becomes “locked” to my point of view, meaning the cockpit moves around with me as I move my head. Is there a term for this in the VR world? What should I be Googling?
I have seen another user reporting a similar issue. According to him, it was due to one of his addons in his community folder, more specifically the helicopter H-145.

Another possible reason, if it happens only when looking down, could be the quality of the lighting in your room. I get some occasional loss of tracking when trying to look at the various buttons aside my seat with my Lenovo Explorer (WMR as well), but it's rare enough. You might want to "reset" the environment data though, to see if that helps. You can do that from the Windows settings, section "Mixed Reality", then "Environment" (not sure of these names in English, though...).
I have seen another user reporting a similar issue. According to him, it was due to one of his addons in his community folder, more specifically the helicopter H-145.

Another possible reason, if it happens only when looking down, could be the quality of the lighting in your room. I get some occasional loss of tracking when trying to look at the various buttons aside my seat with my Lenovo Explorer (WMR as well), but it's rare enough. You might want to "reset" the environment data though, to see if that helps. You can do that from the Windows settings, section "Mixed Reality", then "Environment" (not sure of these names in English, though...).

Well, you gave me an idea on what to Google: "Tracking Issues". All the results from that search assume you have "defined a region" and use the headset for playing virtual tennis in the living room, but they still gave me something to try. I keep forgetting these things rely on cameras... Some said "make the room" brighter, and some said darker. I tried lighter first, and that made it worse. Then I tried making the room darker. And guess what: problem is 90 percent solved! That doesn't make any sense to me, but I can't argue with the results. I'm going to try getting tape and making a couple of high contrast "X's" on the walls in the field of view of the cameras to see if that solves the problem completely.