cockpit like an rc transmitter


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Hallo friends,

our friend Mick said in a specific topic that most the times he flies the planes from spot plane view.
If I understand right he flies the planes aslike an rc pilot.
As I am also interested in ideas which do not point in the same view as mine - - -
so why not making a sort of cockpit which ressembles to an radio control transmitter with a screen
which shows the main information one just need to fly a plane.
AS my self I fly from time to time rc helicopters I know the problem of the different modes of how the sticks are
of course this "mini panel" should be very general and not plane specific, it should be able to suit most planes from a sail plane to good old warbird
So to do such a "minipanel" I would be glad about your comments and suggustions
Minipanels were common in FS2002 but seem to have gone out of fashion with FS9. I know that they're possible in FS9 because I know someone who uses them in that sim, but I don't myself so I haven't learned how to make one.

If I want to see basic information while not in panel or VC view I just put the red information line up at the top of the screen, rather than clutter up the screen with full sized instrument faces.

Maybe I can get someone to drop into this thread with some useful comments on the subject.
If you want a minipanel in FS9 or FSX, just open the panel cfg. and under the [Window Titles] ALWAYS as last: Windowxx=Minipanel. Then put in your panel.cfg under the last [Window0x (last number)] [Windowxx=Minipanel] and then an example (see under). When in 2D-mode click "W" and then it should show.

Some ideas: WW2 American minipanel


gauge00=p51d!Airspeed, 10,0,90,90
gauge01=p51d!Altimeter, 112,0,90,90
gauge02=p51d!Attitude, 217,0,90,90
gauge03=p51d!Turn_Indicator, 322,0,90,90
gauge04=p51d!Tachometer, 427,0,90,90
gauge05=p51d!Vertical_Speed, 541,0,90,90

WW2 German minipanel


gauge00=bf109e!Airspeed, 10,0,90,90
gauge01=bf109e!Altimeter, 112,0,90,90
gauge02=bf109e!Heading_Indicator, 217,0,90,90
gauge03=bf109e!Turn_Indicator, 322,0,90,90
gauge04=bf109e!Tachometer, 427,0,90,90
gauge05=fw190a!Vertical_Speed, 541,0,90,90

WW2 British minipanel


gauge00=Hurricane_1!Attitude, 200,15,60,60
gauge01=spitfire_mki!Turn_Indicator, 280,15,60,60
gauge02=Hurricane_1!Heading_Indicator, 360,15,60,80
gauge03=spitfire_mki!Airspeed, 440,15,60,60
gauge04=Hurricane_1!Altimeter, 520,15,60,60
gauge05=Hurricane_1!Vertical_Speed, 600,15, 60,60

WW2 Japanese minipanel


gauge00=a6m2_zero!Airspeed, 10,0,90,90
gauge01=a6m2_zero!Altimeter, 112,0,90,90
gauge02=a6m2_zero!Attitude_Indicator, 217,0,90,90
gauge03=a6m2_zero!Turn_Coordinator, 322,0,90,90
gauge04=a6m2_zero!Tachometer, 427,0,90,90
gauge05=a6m2_zero!Climb_Indicator, 541,0,90,90

Useable minipanel


[FONT=&quot]Background_color=0,0,0 [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge00=DeHavilland_Comet!ASI, 0,14[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge01=DeHavilland_Comet!Turn_Slip, 139,15[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge02=Douglas_DC3!ahi, 276,0[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge03=DeHavilland_Comet!Gyro_Compass, 438,15[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge04=DeHavilland_Comet!Altimeter, 575,14[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gauge05=DeHavilland_Comet!VSI, 711,15

Russian minipanel


gauge00=BR2_YAK9U!Airspeed, 10,0,90,90
gauge01=BR2_YAK9U!Altimeter, 112,0,90,90
gauge02=An2zh!AGK47, 217,0,90,90
gauge03=An2zh!GPK, 322,0,90,120
gauge04=BR2_YAK9U!Tachometer, 427,0,90,90
gauge05=BR2_YAK9U!Vertical Speed Indicator, 541,0,90,90

Vimy minipanel


gauge01=Vickers_Vimy!airspeed, 0, 10
gauge02=Vickers_Vimy!compass_popup, 131, 0, 147, 147
gauge03=Vickers_Vimy!altimeter, 283, 10

Hope this helps you further.

Safe landings,


Back in the early CFC days of SOH, we had a staff member (Trog) who flew CFS and FS with a converted RC controller as a game controller very effectively. At one time he posted the schematics for it here.
Well, it wqasn't Hertzie who I thought might drop by with some information, but he certainly seems to have covered it!
my idea was to go a bit further as the minipanel
I wanted also to make the controls a bit visible and add buttons
and controllights for the functions as gear, lights, flaps and so what you do not see
always as the plane is perhps too far or just not in the right angle to show for example the cowl
on the other hand I will not have to big to have enough place to see the plane and his envirement.
All the answers you sended me yet now show in the direction I should go.
Mick, which size a gauge should have for you to be well readable with out needing an effort to read the interesting values?
I fly with 1440X900 resoluton and a 22 inch monitor,most the time without using my glasses.
On my panels I do the gauges in size so I can see the info I need, perhaps not the precize value but to see if the needle is in the "green quarter".
Mick pointed me out that it is not as same for every one. so what will be the best size - not too big to take place on the sceen but not too little to be still readable.
Also hertzie brought me to an interesting idea:
instead of having different "minipanel/rc transmitter" for european or angloamerican values does someone know about gauges which shows the indications for speed and altitude in metric and non metric values at the same times?
I mean not switchable what will be a solution but as like we have on some cars and motorbikes where on the "clock" both values are on the display
this is not an actual project at first it is an idea - and perhaps it can develop to something concrete
Thanks for those to contribuate to see the things clearer for me
please what means the entry:
I do not know this entry
also you seem bot to use it in all the minipanels
Papi, I'm not sure that we mean the same thing by a "mini-panel."

In my experience a mini-panel is an alternate 2D panel view, selected in the panel drop-down menu, that shows a few basic instruments along the bottom of the screen in what is otherwise a clear view of the world ahead, as if seen through a 2D panel without a panel background image. Or like the VC view in a plane with no VC, but with a few instruments along the bottom of the screen.

I don't use a mini-panel, and if I was flying a plane that had one available I wouldn't use it. I see no use for such a thing, but some folks seem to like them. I like a normal 2D panel, and I like a VC even more.

If I understand you correctly (and I'm not sure that I do) you seem to be thinking of having instruments visible in Spot view. That would interest me even less than a traditional FS2002 mini-panel in the 2D panel view. I would find it very intrusive! I would have no interest at all in such a thing.

If I want to see some basic information when I'm not in Panel or VC view I can just key Shift+Z and get a small red line of data across the top of the screen that doesn't impinge on the view and can be made to disappear as quickly as it was put up. I would much rather do that then clutter up the screen with instruments. If I want to see the instruments I can just go to Panel or VC view. That's what those views are for.
Hey Papi,

I think you're right, doesn't do anything. Must be something of the "old" sims I suppose. You can skip the line without any problem.

As you may have noticed, I use position 7 for the minipanels, for normally instruments are at the bottom. But sometimes I use position 1, then the instruments are at the top of the screen and sometimes I like them there for better flightview. If you would like to have no visible instruments but still necessary flight info, you can also use a HUD.

