You can add x,y,x values to each line in the views section which will modify the eyepoint position. Here's one I did for the MAW Bf 109E to center up the view instead of offset to align with the gunsight:
<Seat Name="Pilot">
<Station Name="Instruments" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="27" FovDown="25">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-154" AzimuthMax="154" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-30"></PadlockLimit>
<View Event="HeadStop" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-45" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="25" X="-0.048" Y="0.0" Z="0.2"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-154" Elevation="0" X="-0.196" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="154" Elevation="0" X="0.10" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<GunStation ID="0"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="2"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="3"></GunStation>
<Station Name="Reflector Sight" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="27" FovDown="25">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-154" AzimuthMax="154" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-30"></PadlockLimit>
<View Event="HeadStop" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-45" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="0" X="0.00" Y="0.0" Z="0.25"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-154" Elevation="0" X="-0.196" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="154" Elevation="0" X="0.10" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<GunStation ID="0"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="2"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="3"></GunStation>
<Station Name="Mechanical Sight" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="27" FovDown="25">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-154" AzimuthMax="154" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-30"></PadlockLimit>
<View Event="HeadStop" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-45" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="0" X="0.027" Y="-0.003" Z="0.25"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5" X="-0.048" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-154" Elevation="0" X="-0.196" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="154" Elevation="0" X="0.10" Y="0" Z="0"/>
<GunStation ID="0"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="2"></GunStation>
<GunStation ID="3"></GunStation>
The second two stations are identical except that the "HeadPitchDown" view now will snap the view to align with either the reflector sight or the mechanical iron sight when it's time to shoot instead of looking down at the panel. Note that they are set up as multiple stations for a single seat. Each seat is interpreted by CFS3 as one crewmember, so if you have two seats defined in the xdp you will see two parachutes when the aircraft is shot down or when you bail out. Obviously we only want one for the 109, but if you have another multi-crew aircraft that has too few parachutes you can copy any of the seat entries as many times as necessary to get the desired number of parachutes.