Colored Spitfire Gauges


Charter Member
Somewhere I downloaded some colored gauges that replaced the stock textures. I lost them, does anyone remember where those are?
Not the ones with the blue markings, these ones had green and red backgrounds in the gauges and I believe standard white number markings! These make the instrumentation look more post WWII but I like the way they look. Any ideas?
No LB these were specifically a replacement texture for british guages but thanks for the assistance. If I remember correctly the file I down loaded was either c_gauges or b_gauges. It changed the spitfire guages so Im wondering if it came with a certain spitfire model.


I made a revised set of brit textures to have green numbers to accurately model the gauges. I do not think I ever uploaded them though. They are for the Halifaxes and Lancasters
Ted the gauges I'm looking for were some of the standard british gauges with the numbers and markings in the standard white color. The gauge background color however was done in green and some in red as opposed to black. For the life of me I can't remember where I got these.

Hi Lewis,

A chap called zigzag uploaded a set of textures for the spitfire cockpit.

It includes a file called this file has the painted gauge edges and the face of the altimeter has been repainted to show yelow and green numbers etc.


regards Rob.
Capt Winters thanks for the heads up, the gauges Im looking for have white number markings but background colors of red or green. I do not recall where I got these but these were replacement gauges for the spit IXC.