Combat Flight Simulator in Windows 10


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I am (so far) unable to run the game. When I install it, it will start up, but that is it. Anyone running CFS in Windows 10?

Thank you in advance.

PS: I have tons of CFS stuff. Miss the game.
Hello Chief,

Unfortunately I have no information that might help you on the issue you are having.
I am somewhat disappointed though that no one else has either.

- Ivan.
Hello Ivan, no worries, I think I might have to utilize an older computer, i.e. xp that is not hooked up to the internet, or create another drive with different operating system on it. I will ask my computer oldest son about it. Thanks m8. Have a great day Sir.
please, let us know how it turns out.
this is destined to become a major problem
for anyone wanting to play the old game.
i, for one, am more than a little aggravated with m$.
i was more than happy with xp.
so far, i have refused to "upgrade" to w10.
hell, i didn't even want w7, but,
that's my problem, not yours.
Like smilo and Ivan, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. My only brush with W10 was brief and quite unpleasant, but more on that later...

I can only say that it was reported to me that some people were able to run CFS1 on W10 after installing my "patch" made originally for W7, but it only cure the joystick issue. I am myself contemplating installing a "virtual machine" and, for safety, I bought a machine that, oh wonder!, does work on XP.

Really wish I could help, langshan, really do :banghead:
are you sure you installed it into program files X32 folder.
I am aware that some 64 bit machines have program files folder for 64 bit stuff
and a program files X32 folder for 32bit stuff. (CFS 1 is 32bit)
well that's the best I can do--sorry
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I will have to take a look, I installed on a external hd drive. X32 sent a brief light bulb flash in my brain. I will keep you all posted. I like you guys think that
CFS 1 is the best of the 3 CFS sims that were made.

Papingo, we spent 3 years stationed at the old naval base at Forse, near Thurso, Scotland.

are you sure you installed it into program files X32 folder.
I am aware that some 64 bit machines have program files folder for 64 bit stuff
and a program files X32 folder for 32bit stuff. (CFS 1 is 32bit)
well that's the best I can do--sorry
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(...) I installed on a external hd drive(...)

That link may help; HERE
...or not.:dizzy:

But I learned there that W10 does have a "C: Program Files (x86)" folder. So best solution would be to copy/paste the whole game there, if you have the place of course.

dear chief.....
we would be interested to know how you got on with your
W10/64bit problem,
your posting in Scotland sounds cold and stormy!
you are correct when you say CFS1 was the best combat
flightsim coz it is editable and flexible,