Well, I gress the cat is out of the Bag..LOL..Glad to see the interest in it all..
This is going to be fun..
I am helping set all of this up, and I have to say it is a honor to have been asked to do so
I hope everyone enjoys this..I'll finish the Day Of Days tonite I expect..I will wait on Wyld Bill for his approval , about the Glider mission stuff, before I fininsh it..
I hope that landing a glider some of you are good at flying these cardboard things..
I have crashed many times I tried, half of the men, in my flying this things end up dead..But I never cared for Gliders anyway..I like engines on my aircraft..
Hey it is Wyld Bills call on the glider stuff, and the Day of Days..I just work over the missions and enjoy doing it..
I didn't expect this to let out yet..I gress i'd better get busy..LOL LOL
Thanks for the Field info Pat I needed that..Wasn't sure which field to use THANKS VERY MUCH..