Coming Soon - de Havilland Aerodrome 1930's


Charter Member
Hi Good People,

Just a heads up - getting near the completion stage of a new scenery pack for the Ford Tri-Motor Project - nice tidy little Stag Lane Aerodrome, the original home of the de Havilland Factory - where the great DH80 and other historical aircraft were initially created and manufactured.

This is a fairly compact scenery set - only just over 4megs - contains over 15 unique models that I created specifically for this scenery - including two static DH80 Model (created from Milton's DH80) and a batch of hangars/factory buildings. Suplimented by the ez-uk-buildings.bgl pack distributed as freeware by: Colin Green which I used to create the town/village area nearby.

Here is a quick snapshot of what it looks like at the moment - should be totally finished off early next week.

View attachment 87138

For those that want a more detailed look - here is a link to a little slideshow that highlights the overall scenery and models. Only 17 slides so quick and easy to click and view.

Regards and happy simming.
Thanks Garry,

Will download as soon as it is up. I have been to the site, it is amazing.

I am working now on finalising the package - readme's and fine tuning the slideshow etc and the tweaking necessary to add it to the Ford Tri-Motor Project site.

Works out at a tidy little package of less than 5mb - not bad considering all of the new scenery model objects I had to create to get the gist of the factory area looking close to right.

Should be available in the next day or two.

Ford-de-Havilland Scenery pack now available.

Hi Good People,

The 1930's era Stag Lane Aerodrome - de Havilland First Factory and test airfield is now available on the Scenery page of the Ford Tri-Motor Project site.

As it is a Ford Project is has, of course, a title of and is designed to go into the Addon Scenery directory as such - simply for easier file management for those that would, at a later stage, want to clean up their Ford Project stuff.

This is a nice tidy little scenery pack - only 4.7mb but she is full of tons of stuff - lots of new models created and a chunk cut out of a modern day London suburb to accommodate this historical scenery - tried, using google earth to get as near as possible to Stag Lane's genuine location.

Anyway - the scenery is now ready for your flying pleasure - great little aerodrome for small aircraft flying and only a short hop to London and a plethora of, dare I say it, modern airfields.

Regards and happy simming from Ed Moore and I.
Truly inspiring work

Many thanks to Ed and Gary for this beautiful little scenery gem.

The DH paint schemes are evocative works of art.

Congratulations yet again, Gentlemen.