I've had the honour of beta testing this gem, and all I can say it's deliciously modelled - big thumbs up to Craig. Sounds, animations are amazing. Flight model is very nice too - I went through two models testing a realistic rendition of the transonic control problems that these aircraft had: roll authority becomes erratic, and pitch authority vanishes - you have to slow down in order to regain pitch control. Adds an immersive element to this genre of plane that really enhances the experience.
I got your latest version Craig - but I'm moving houses at the moment - PC is in pieces But I'll advise once I get things put back together.
Just had a good long (in late 1940's jet terms) flight in this beauty - she's delightful. You guys are going to love her ... All major airframe combinations and paint schemes are modelled - Craig has done a cracker job on this one - hands down top notch work - again!
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