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Someone in a recent thread suggested the use of a replacement GA AI package....World GA or something like that. I got the package from, installed it according to the directions (which included disabling the stock traffic file). It's great for GA AI, lots more, more diverse....but all of the commercial AI is gone. No 747s, no 737s, no MD11s and such. I like having the big birds in the air...even if I don't fly them myself.

Is there a way to open the stock traffic file, remove the GA AI stuff, leave the commercial AI stuff, and re-export it as a flight pack for the commercial stuff?

Traffic Tools to the rescue...sort of. I used Traffic Tools to decompile the stock traffic file and the weekly GA traffic file. Then I compared the aircraft lists and the flight lists from both to determine the GA and the Commercial stuff. Now I have to go through the flight plan from the stock traffic file and delete all the flights for aircraft other than 3 through 15, 32 thru 34, 44, 46 thru 48. I am about a half inch down the scroll bar on the side of I may have this finished by the time I go blind from degenerative retina disease at the age of 106.

Forget the pesky default traffic..WOAI .!


Stop fretting and relax!

Don't start fiddling withe the pesky default file, leave it where you hid it!

Now keep inserting those traffic packs.

The easiest and most reliable method is to start Downloading everything you like of the: WOAI traffic packs.
Each airline pack carries all the different aircraft verions, textures, traffic files etc to put that particular airline's scheduled flights into action - everywhere they appear in real life!!!

The big deal with WOAI is to first download their installer tool. This will insert everything from each pack where it belongs!

So don't worry about the pesky defaults, you'll soon have every imagineable airline aircraft working like clockwork at your airports/in your skies.

And you'd best do as I did following your multie-installs: Use one install for all your commercial/civil flights. Don't clog up all the installs.

edit: Go to Avsim for the installer and the vast collection of WOAI airline packs.
On the California Classics site there's a file - well, actually a pair of files - that separate the GA and commercial AI into separate traffic files. I believe the intent was so that you could replace your commercial AI with the CalClasics traffic while retaining your GA AI.
Don't know if they still have it, but PAI used to have a set of files that did the same thing, separated the default commercial and GA traffic into two files.

I did as Nigel is suggesting. Much better.
With or without the Ouzo

...Nigel is dead right.
Embarking on AI means you can dump World Airways or whatever the MS stock thing was called, and get some real-world action at WOAI.
Don't forget, the site allows you to pick an airport, and populate it with the correct AI.
Invaluable if you don't need the whole world, all at once!
And dont forget to add some MAIW, they are not heavy on fps in my exp. but add that "je ne sais quoi" flavour to the sim. It is an absolute delight to be flying around and come across a C-130 or an F-5 buzzing the skies.
Thanks for all the help gents. After I posted my original two posts and went to bed, I started thinking that maybe I wouldn't need the stock Commercial AI after all...and you folks have given me the info I need.

I have all of the WOAI GA packages downloaded and installed. I have a bunch of WOAI Passenger and Cargo packages downloaded and will install them. And I will grab some of the MAIW to add some mil flavor to my skies....can't wait to come across some A-10s, C-130s, C-5s and the like zooming by as I putter along across the country.

I am going to set up my traffic files a bit differently. I will place the stock traffic file in one folder, and all the WOAI and MAIW traffic files in another folder (both outside of the sim). That way I can activate the stock traffic for when I am outside of the US of A, and activate the add-on AI for when I am inside the USA..which I am mostly. That way, I don't have to download a ton of packages to populate other countries for those times when I feel like flying a plane in it's native land. This should cut down on the size of my Aircraft folder somewhat. Since I do most of my flying in the US, I think this approach will give me the most effective AI coverage. I don't have anything against the stock AI commercial stuff...I have replaced all of the stock skins with better looking using the stock traffic file while flying in Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, etc. is not a big issue.

I have the WOAI cargo and passenger packages installed...and all I can say is WOW! What a major difference those packages made. So much better than the stock AI stuff. I can't believe it has taken me 3 years to finally get around to revamping the AI in my sim. I have been missing out on so much diversity.

The first airport I visited was KSEA (Seattle/Tacoma) at noon. For a bit, there was some confusion and congestion. Right from the rip there were about a half dozen or so planes coming in for landings and close to 12 taxiing for take off. It became a real bottle neck for about 10 minutes....but once the planes got themselves sorted out, everything worked great and looked incredible. Air Alaska (both passenger and cargo), Delta, United Airlines, and others.

Then I visited LaGuardia and LAX to see how they looked, and the WOW continued.

Then I spent some time just hitting the Control W key to see what AI was active, and the increased variation in airlines and planes over the stock AI is simply beyond words.

One thing I do want to try is to give the GA AI a bit more diversity. All of the AI Piper Cubs are yellow....need to whip up a few other color schemes and work them into the GA traffic file. And do the same thing for the Mooney Bravo, King Air 350, Beech Baron 58, Cessna 172 and 182. I have new paints downloaded for most of the stock AI used planes...just need to install them and tweak the aircraft list and the flight plan list in the GA traffic file.

Will I be the first to say it?


It's a whole new world of adventure.

If your wanting Cub's in different flavours, there is a pack out there, something to do with 'Kitten',I have them installed and they ere rather good, but I lost the readme.

OBIO, Man! You are now really hooked. As you are already discovering, the world of FS9 sim flying will just get better and better. I just finished a little flight out of my cousin's farm strip. I was in a Cessna 140 with the paint scheme and N-number as the one I fly occassionally in reality. I have my cousin's Cessna 170 with its real world paint scheme and N-number. I got so wrapped up in the simulated flight that I had no problem becoming totally enmeshed in it. Years before I moved to where I presently live, he and I used to fly in formation all around South Georgia. I have another airport set up with AI traffic as it was in reality when I lived there. A friend and I used to fly all over Central Alabama. He in his Cessna 150 and me in my Ercoupe. Ah! The great memories.

Glad you're getting the flow, now the next step...

One thing I do want to try is to give the GA AI a bit more diversity. All of the AI Piper Cubs are yellow....need to whip up a few other color schemes and work them into the GA traffic file. And do the same thing for the Mooney Bravo, King Air 350, Beech Baron 58, Cessna 172 and 182., (Beech 18, (wheels & amphibian), Avia 51, Avia 156, De Havilland, Rapide, Rockwell Commander, Boeing Stearman, Waco...all of them, Bulldog, Tigermoth, Lockheed Vega, Auster, Grumman Trader, Spartan, DH Pussmoth, Short Scylla,...the list is endless) OBIO

Come on OBIO, I did go to the trouble of putting 'traffic' at your fingertips!


Because I know you're the kind of buddy who will enjoy and appreciate all this realistic traffic.

It's only a download and a decision, that keeps you from being in control of what's happening at your airports, and enjoying your traffic to the full. Go for it buddy! :salute:
I may have to pick up the HTAI Cessna package in a couple of months. Even if it goes back up to $15, that package would add a lot of nice GA variation to my sim...and that is the kind of AI that I really want to see more of.

While you're at it, do a search on Avsim for Mike Cronin. You'll find lots of the kind of GA planes you are looking for by him.
On, look for Richard Faith, he has just released a package of GA aircraft including the Piper Tomahawk, Grumman AA-5, and the Rockwell Commander 112/113/114 series.
Klaus Brosemann has some different Beeches. And be sure to download Henry's other GA and military aircraft from his site.

There are so many good ai aircraft, I'll never get all the ones I have airborne, let alone loaded into the sim. Just getting the airports updated to work properly with large numbers of ai can keep you busy for months.

Also, you will need aismooth or aiseparation to help with the overload of ai in the first ten-fifteen minutes when starting a flight. Search for them on the usual sites.

Have fun, it's a whole new world out there.
I grabbed a ton of Mike Cronin's GA AI packages while on And some by other folks as well. Tons of GA AI planes. Now I just need to find time to incorporate them into my GA environment.

AIsmooth...will definitely look for that...I have noticed that the AI can be a bit over-the-top when first starting a flight at one of the bigger airports. KSEA had planes stacked up like crazy for about 10 minutes...but once they got sorted out, all was fine.

AISmooth helps reduce the stackup, and aircraft disappearing while in line. It's caused by the AI enginesway of compressing the time of flights from slightly before you start the sim. With a lot of AI, you need to take 10-15 minutes getting ready to taxi. If you get to runway to soon, ATC will not let you go, ever. Let the crowding settle down first. It's fun to watch, anyway.

Have fun