Computer GURUs Question


SOH Staff
Staff member
I have a new gaming computer with 8 GB of RAM, 4 GB of video RAM, a fast Intel Quad Core CPU running Windows 10.

Lately when I am flying FS2004 it is CTD telling me my system is out of memory.

I have closed everything I can.

I have run a virus scan.

I have run Malwarebytes scan.

What else can I do?

Hey D,
If you have some add-on scenery, the crash may be due to duplicate AFCADs. You might check
a recently added scenery AFCAD against those in the Add-on scenery/scenery folder. Hope this
Hey D,
If you have some add-on scenery, the crash may be due to duplicate AFCADs. You might check
a recently added scenery AFCAD against those in the Add-on scenery/scenery folder. Hope this

Thanks Hurricane91,
I will go look in my add-on scenery folders and see if I have duplicate AF2s.
Also, the more, and more complex, the scenery you have loaded, not just on the route you're flying but overall, can cause this sort of failure. Unload everything you can from the Scenery Library, and/or back down your scenery complexity sliders. It might help...
FS9 and FSX, as well as previous MS flight sims, are 32-bit applications. That means that they are limited to using a maximum of 4 GB of memory. High scenery, weather, and AI traffic settings will eat up a lot of that usable memory. Add in highly detailed scenery and add-on aircraft and even more memory is consumed. Couple that with the poor manner in which the MS flight sim engine manages that limited amount of memory and you can quickly run out of usable memory. The result is an OOM crash.
I had the same problems when I went to 64bit and Windows 7

I had to change the compatibility to Windows XP and run it as administrator and haven't had a crash since
Thanks guys.

I have done everything except the XP compatibility and when I approach a major airport I get the out of memory crash.
I can fly smaller airports and be just fine. I will change to XP compatibility and see if that helps.

I have a new gaming computer with 8 GB of RAM, 4 GB of video RAM, a fast Intel Quad Core CPU running Windows 10.
Lately when I am flying FS2004 it is CTD telling me my system is out of memory.
I have closed everything I can.
I have run a virus scan.
I have run Malwarebytes scan.
What else can I do?
Basically you have the same setup I do although my CPU is only a 3.9ghz. I am running P3D with most options on high settings and never get an OOM CTD. I also run FSX with all settings set to high and never an OOM problem, so having that problem in FS9 is strange indeed. Scenery is a good place to start looking as many have suggested. Check to see if you have scenery where the "texture" folder is empty. . .if it is, delete it as that has been known to cause "memory leaks". Also look at any recently installed aircraft, gauges can give you problems at times as well and if any require the "gaugesound.dll" file and it isn't in the FSX root directory that will cause crashes from time to time.

Finally, with Win10, right click on the windows icon in the lower left of the taskbar and select "Event Viewer"_"Custom Views"_ "Administrative Events". . .that will give you a rundown of all failures and maybe some clue as to what might be the actual cause.
Have you run the 4 GB patch program to increase memory allocation to FS9?

Wow just downloaded it and installed, patched both FS9 and FSX.

I may try it on CFS2 also.


Another question: Some years ago we had a discussion in the CFS2 forums about FORCEFEEDBACK in the aircraft.cfg files. It was thought the less a CPU has to read and respond to, the faster the program would respond in CFS2 back when we didn't have mega computing abilities. So, many would 0 out the values in that section of the aircraft file. I just delete that section because I don't have a force feedback joystick. What are y'alls' thoughts on this? Also, I definitely delete it out of AI aircraft. What good is it to an AI aircraft?
