Concorde...full package


Charter Member
I'll have to try this one.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Jetliners FS2004 Project Mach 2.0 Concorde
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Name: Size: 52,707,534 Date: 06-21-2009
FS2004 Project Mach 2.0 Concorde. Package by Peter Slater who has included V speed readouts. The model itself is by team. Included liveries: Air France (OC, NC and Special Pepsi), British Airways (Red Tail, Landor and Union), Virgin Atlantic, KLM, Singapore and the original prototype livery. Icons added to panel for easy access to the radio stack, etc. Fully animated model, professional INS navigation, GPS included for those who prefer that to the INS, Professional panel and sounds, many effects including reheat and smoke. DTX bitmaps for excellent frame rates with 32 bit bitmaps supported. Please read the readme and support document before use. Installation is fully automated. Uploaded by Gareth Abbott.[/SIZE]
Man, that one goes wayyyyy back. I remember checking the website almost every other day for months waiting for the cockpit update to be done (never materialized). There were a lot of liveries, a soundfile and some effects available, but it was more a lot of "nuts and bolts" that didn't make a complete aircraft. . .mainly because of the lack of a good cockpit 2d or VC.
Since this says nothing of about that, I'll have to download and take a look.

Because the original project dates back many years, I question whether it actually is an FSFrance release or a rework with their permission.
Ok, I have downloaded the Concorde. . .it is the FSFrance version, but reworked apparently by Mr Abbott. VC is included and (considering I can't even begin to do anything like this) nicely done but not sensational. The 2d is just that. . .a 2D. It has animated windshield wipers which I spent most of my abbrevaited flight from JFK to Miami trying to get turned off, lol (really annoying after about 10 minutes). The external model is good, but showing it's age (the exhaust effects especially) and the American Airlines livery I selected had no texture on the upper wing surfaces. I never checked the lower wing surfaces as I was too busy trying to rip the wipers out of their sockets, lol.

The sound files are very good and considering I've never even seen the Concorde other than in videos or pics, it seemed to fit nicely. The VC has an extensive AP system which took a bit to figure out and trying to do that as you're being cleared for take off for an IFR flight, is not recommended. Did I mention it has really annoying wipers? lol

Anyway, I was down the coast near Virginia Beach when it suddenly locked up due to a sound problem (there is a "support" readme that gives directions to correct this if you have the same problem) so the flight ended at that point. I was also having problems with AOA for some reason. . .even after reaching cruise altitude the aircraft remained in a 5 degree nose up attitude and I was unable to find any reason for it. . .spoilers were in, flaps were up, airspeed was increasing steadily, I could find no control surface that might have been causing the problem. At that point the sim locked up anyway so I'll have to try again and spend a bit more time on the ground getting acclimated before taxi.

Once Maintenance removes the wipers that is, lol.

All in all, a pretty nice ride, even the cabin area seems to be there but again, I had plenty to do in the cockpit, so I never ventured aft to see the passengers.
Bad as I feel, I needed a good laugh - thanks Falcon!

I know there were fans of this pack years ago, so I'll stick the thread for a while...
Bad as I feel, I needed a good laugh - thanks Falcon! I know there were fans of this pack years ago, so I'll stick the thread for a while...
Thanks Tom. . .at one point, I remembered the kneeboard and figured it probably had the info I was looking for to STOP the wipers, lol. It may have, but unfortunately it was all in French, lol. Ah well, if all else fails. . .there's always duct tape, lol.:isadizzy:
Hey Falcon I started fooling around the other day, with my old PM-2 files. You can shut the wipers off in the old pro panel setup,but when you go to to the switch and turn it on, or off you get a ctd, and a error in fs9 that says creation failed check to see if there is a avaliable sound file, if there is a fix for this error, you can turn the wipers on and off .Thanks
business as usual.
No permission from me to do so...
I'm fade up with this guys who are playing with models without respecting copyrights.
This is not a authorised package...
Pierre (Former Fsfrance member and project manager for the Project Mach2)
. . . . .No permission from me to do so. . .This is not a authorized package. . .Pierre (Former Fsfrance member and project manager for the Project Mach2)
That's good enough for me. It'll be deleted straight away. Thanks for the HU.
I downlaoded a concorde package from a british airways va site that was about 85 megs, and used the fsfrance packaging. it came with panel, sounds, vc and 2 or three paints.... dont know if this was bootleg as well, but there was no 'crack' to get it to load, had an auto loader from fsfrance or mach2 i think, and loaded clean, i felt.... the only thing is it had the aircraft.cfg calling for 7 paints and it only came with 2 or 3....

If this was illegal, i feel bad as well, but seemed legit. I downloaded it from a VA site so i figured it was ok.... (i've been wrong before)

Is anyone familiar with this concorde set? it had a nice vc and panel, good sounds, etc... flew nice... for a heavy, sluggish, hard to get up to 200kias on 12k of runway, and roll her up.....

it was great :)
Hi friends,
don't feel bad about downloading something like that.
My concern is not end users, I'm talking about people who try to present themselves as key players in the project and they aren't.
I have a polite and efficient discussion with mister Slater, who was very far from an "hacking action", as I really think he is a leaving with passion. But Mister Abbott did a bad work with the package. he put it on various website as fsplanet, without any permission. Some people delete our names and text files, and add some weird files with their names...
One more time, a lot of people thinks that freeware means free of rights, which is not true.

Just to come back to good think, I'm thinking about releasing the PM2 project on an official way. Mark from HJG did a very nice offer, and found some place in their hangars. Let's think about that.
The download appears to heve been disabled by Flightsim, so I'll leave this thread as-is. Pierre, I'm sorry I wasn't able to take action sooner, but I was a bit ill the last couple of days...