Conferting a CFS2 aircraft to CFS3, possible?

Red Five

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Do any of the 'Wise Owls' here know what's involved in converting a CFS2 aircraft (or FS9 for that matter) to work properly in CFS3 or even if it's a viable proposition?

And if it is possible how much work is involved and are any tutorials for the procedure available?


CFS3 uses a different file format from the FS serie, so you need the source file of the model in gmax format if you're lucky. After that, you should probably redo most of the animations, texture mapping (if you want to take advantage of CFS3 damage model), VC instruments, naming convention. It's a lot of work and certainly not straight forward if you're not well into model making. Viable, yes. Efficient, not so much.:wavey:
CFS2 to CFS3

I have done this and wow, it is a bunch of work. It saves some time if and only if the cfs2 model is well done. Many older cfs2 models are very low on polys and they render poorly. Now some of these earlier cfs2 could be used as the lower LODs of a good CFS3 model, saving some time but again, there are problems.

Tally Ho!