confused ....eto spits rock .


thinking of adding a few payware spits if there are any for cfs3 , then im seeing the ones in eto rock em sock em .

so ive decided , to ask on here - the board if theres anything worthy more of adding in this era , spits , as addon or not . if vcant beat the eto ones then forget it


You'd be hard put to beat the "Zuyax" Spits already included thereof...:p:... IMHO of course!
im passing since i did once buy the hurricane set and really is no big dfference from the eto , the sounds arent as good ..cockpits on par . the reflector - target is goo dthats it , so based on this say the spits in eot rock and addoins ...rather save monies for a donation on here .

will donate a same fee based near father day since they where going to get me them , pass and send here . i get more enoyment and better over all game addons than out there , but thanks for update

That's the one - well found, Clive!

Get in there, the rest of you! It is the "sister" aircraft to the ZUYAX Spits - which tells you all you need to know. And if the original skins are not that good, I've just uploaded another six or seven to go with the half-dozen that were already here.
Joshua, that is the one. Look at the screenies I posted yesterday if you want to see what it looks like. For that price, you can't go wrong - it's a beautiful piece of work, as are all the ZUYAX Spits. Well worth the money.
Just look carefully at the wing fillets and the oil coolers, not to mention the overall shape of the thing. Without wishing to offend the ETO Spit-modders, who have done a first-class job turning a fairly caricatural model into one worthy of respect, the Zuyax one is still more refined. IMHO. "H" here stands for "humble, by the way.
I think they've done a bang-up job w/ PD's Spit... I didn't recognize it at 1st... and the pit w/ pilot attached... Bravo!

I wish there was an "attach_a_pilot" utility for any good v/c!
Just look carefully at the wing fillets and the oil coolers, not to mention the overall shape of the thing. Without wishing to offend the ETO Spit-modders, who have done a first-class job turning a fairly caricatural model into one worthy of respect, the Zuyax one is still more refined

Yes the PD Spit is a bit 'awkward' in some areas but then it was built deliberately low poly. However I think it does look the part overall.

Ross 'Zig_Zag' did the pilot figure and improved the basic pit which I added to also - there is room for improvement as you say Nigel, it's on the to-do list. :) There have been some beautiful skins made for it and the various files tweaked by Rob Stevenson as well as all the other bits, bobs and paint jobs made for it over the years.

I have the source models (which are available to all ;)) so if there's anything that you think should be looked at, like the radiators for instance, let me know. Perhaps between us all we can improve it still further.
Well, there you've got my two whinges, Clive! The wing-roots and the depth of the oil coolers. But compared to what it was this time a year ago, you've worked miracles, let's be honest!

Other things that you could do (I can't GMAX for love or money!) would ne the MkIIa version with the Rotol prop/spinner, and an early MkI, with the Watts prop, TR9 aerial, flat roof, etc, etc. All things that we won't get with the payware one...

I know about the skins - I have three or four hi-res ones which took me ages to do, and which were not included in ETO. Waste of effort.
Oh yes yes yes... then at last we'd have a proper prototype!!! I dunno about '2-bladed' combat Spits but if there were any out there-up there, sluggin' it out, I CUD DIG GIT... (I dunno what it is but I really enjoy the Watts prop'd Hurrys an' Spits!)
Of course, if it suddenly turned into a cut-down rear deck MkXVIe, I think I could live with that, too! :friday:
Of course, if it suddenly turned into a cut-down rear deck MkXVIe, I think I could live with that, too! :friday:

Yes, then maybe once and for all I could stop PINING after the one Zuyax did which never saw the light...:ipepsi2:
...why do I get the feeling I wuz SPOTTED a mile away?
Thanks for the find, Clive! Zuyax's Spits have been objects of admiration for me since I first discovered downloads. Now I've had a bash at modelling, I'd love to see a wireframe of his mesh for any of 'em, but I don't suppose that will happen now.