Tried every trick I could think of to no avail, my sky was in panels, with distinct Lines where they joined.
I was running a Geforce 8600 Factory OC 680megs, But Here's the rub, only 256mb DDR3
My 8800 with PSU is still waiting in the wings
Picked Up .. Very Cheap an 8600, 540meg, 512mb Video Memory DDR2
The Lines are now History, to me it's Phase 2&1/2
Moral: use enough memory

I was running a Geforce 8600 Factory OC 680megs, But Here's the rub, only 256mb DDR3
My 8800 with PSU is still waiting in the wings
Picked Up .. Very Cheap an 8600, 540meg, 512mb Video Memory DDR2
The Lines are now History, to me it's Phase 2&1/2
Moral: use enough memory